Python scripting

The PyPowSyBl project gives access to PowSyBl framework to Python developers. This Python integration relies on GraalVM to compile Java code to a native library.

Please see below a short documentation of how to script in Python using PyPowSyBl, but please rely our up-to-date and automatic PyPowSyBl’s user documentation if you want to got deeper.


The available features are:

Grid modelling

  • We can create an empty network ;
  • We can load a network from a file. The supported formats are for the moment CGMES, MATPOWER, IEEE-CDF, PSS/E, UCTE and XIIDM.
  • We can save a network to a file. The supported formats are for the moment CGMES, UCTE, and XIIDM.
  • We can create and update network elements with a Pandas data frame.


  • We can run a AC load flow with OpenLoadFlow implementation ;
  • We can run a DC load flow with OpenLoadFlow implementation ;
  • We can run an AC sensitivity analysis with OpenLoadFlow implementation, on the pre-contingency network and on the post-contingency networks ;
  • We can run a DC sensitivity analysis with OpenLoadFlow implementation, on the pre-contingency network and on the post-contingency networks ;
  • We can run an AC post-contingency analysis with OpenLoadFlow, note that the DC security analysis based on OpenLoadFlow is not yet supported.


import pypowsybl as pp

# Load a case file
n =
results = pp.loadflow.run_ac(n)
for result in results:

# Run a power flow with OpenLF implementation
parameters = pp.loadflow.Parameters(distributed_slack=False)
results = pp.loadflow.run_ac(n, parameters)

# Print the network
df = n.create_buses_data_frame()

# Save the network
n.dump('result.xiidm', 'XIIDM')