Import post-processor

The import post-processor is a feature that allows to do automatic modifications or simulations, just after a case is converted to an IIDM network. These post-processors rely on the plugin mechanism of PowSyBl meaning that they are discovered at runtime. To enable one or more post-processors, the postprocessors property of the import module must be defined in the configuration file. Note that if you configure several post-processors, they are executed in the declaration order, like a pipeline:
TODO: insert a picture

PowSyBl provides 3 different implementations of post-processors:

Groovy post-processor

This post-processor executes a groovy script, loaded from a file. The script can access to the network and the computation manager using the variables network and computationManager. To use this post-processor, add the com.powsybl:powsybl-iidm-scripting dependency to your classpath, and configure both import and groovy-post-processor modules:

YAML configuration:

        - groovyScript

    script: /path/to/the/script

XML configuration:


Note: the script property is optional. If it is not defined, the import-post-processor.groovy script from the PowSyBl configuration folder is used.


The following example prints meta-information from the network:

println "Network " + network.getId() + " (" + network.getSourceFormat()+ ") is imported"

JavaScript post-processor

This post-processor executes a JS script, loaded from a file. The script can access to the network and the computation manager using the variables network and computationManager. To use this post-processor, add the com.powsybl:powsybl-iidm-scripting dependency to your classpath, and configure both import and javaScriptPostProcessor modules:

YAML configuration:

        - javaScript

    script: /path/to/the/script

XML configuration:


Note: the script property is optional. If it is not defined, the import-post-processor.js script from the PowSyBl configuration folder is used.


The following example prints meta-information from the network:

print("Network " + network.getId() + " (" + network.getSourceFormat()+ ") is imported");

LoadFlow post-processor

Mathematically speaking, a power flow result is fully defined by the complex voltages at each node. The consequence is that most load flow algorithms converge very fast if they are initialized with voltages. As a result, it happens that load flow results include only voltages and not flows on branches. This post-processors computes the flows given the voltages. The equations (Kirchhoff law) used are the same as the one used in the load flow validation to compute \(P_1^{\text{calc}}\), \(Q_1^{\text{calc}}\), \(P_2^{\text{calc}}\), \(Q_2^{\text{calc}}\) for branches and \(P_3^{\text{calc}}\), \(Q_3^{\text{calc}}\) in addition for three-windings transformers.

To use this post-processor, add the com.powsybl:powsybl-loadflow-results-completion to your classpath and enable it setting the postProcessors property of the import module.

YAML configuration:

        - loadflowResultsCompletion

XML configuration:


Note: This post-processor rely on the load flow results completion module.

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