
The loadflow-validation module is used by the loadflow-validation command. It defines the parameters used during the validation of load flow results.

Optional properties

The apply-reactance-correction property is an optional property that defines whether the too small reactance values have to be fixed to epsilon-x value or not. To solve numeric issues with very small reactance values, it’s necessary to set the too small values to a minimal value. The default value of this property is false.

The check-main-component-only property is an optional property that defines whether the validation checks are done only on the equiments in the main connected component or in all components. The default value of this property is true.

Set the compare-results property to true to compare the results of 2 validations, i.e. print output files with data of both ones. The default value of this property is false.

The epsilon-x property is an optional property that defines the value used to correct the reactance in flows validation. The default value of this property is 0.1.

The load-flow-name property is an optional property that defines the implementation name to use for running the load flow. If this property is not set, the default load flow implementation is used. See Loadflow Configuration to configure the default load flow.

Note: In previous PowSyBl releases (before 3.0.0), this was configured by the load-flow-factory property with the full classname of the implementation.

The no-requirement-if-reactive-bound-inversion property is an optional property that defines whether the validation checks fail if there is a reactive bounds inversion (maxQ < minQ) or not. The default value of this property is false.

The no-requirement-if-setpoint-outside-power-bounds property is an optional property that defines whether the validation checks fail if there is a setpoint outside the active power bounds (targetP < minP or targetP > maxP) or not. The default value of this property is false.

The ok-missing-values property is an optional property that defines whether the validation checks fail if some parameters of connected components have NaN values or not. The default value of this property is false.

The output-writer property is an optional property that defines the output format. Currently, CSV and CSV_MULTILINE are supported. The default value of this property is set to CSV_MULTILINE.

If this property is set to CSV, in the output files a line contains all values of a validated equipment. If the property is set to CSV_MULTILINE, in the output files the values of an equipment are split in multiple lines, one value for each line, see examples below:

Example of output in CSV format:


Example of output in CSV_MULTILINE format:


The table-formatter-factory property is an optional property that defines the com.powsybl.commons.io.table.TableFormatterFactory implementation to use for writing the output files. If this property is not set, the com.powsybl.commons.io.table.CsvTableFormatterFactory implementation is used.

The available implementation of the TableFormatterFactory are:

  • com.powsybl.commons.io.table.CsvTableFormatterFactory: to create a CSV file
  • com.powsybl.commons.io.table.AsciiTableFormatterFactory: to render table in ASCII

The table formatter can be configured by the table-formatter module.

The threshold property is an optional property that defines the margin used for values comparison. The default value of this property is 0.

The verbose property is an optional property that defines whether the loadflow-validation command runs in verbose or quiet mode.

If this property is set to true, the output files contain all the data of the validated equipments, otherwise they contain only the main data of the validated equipments.


YAML configuration:

    threshold: 0.1
    verbose: false
    load-flow-name: Mock
    table-formatter-factory: com.powsybl.commons.io.table.CsvTableFormatterFactory
    epsilon-x: 0.1
    apply-reactance-correction: false
    output-writer: CSV_MULTILINE
    ok-missing-values: false
    no-requirement-if-reactive-bound-inversion: false
    compare-results: false
    check-main-component-only: true
    no-requirement-if-setpoint-outside-power-bounds: false

XML configuration:
