iTools cim-anonymizer

The cim-anonymizer command is used to anonymize one or several CIM files. All the identifiers are replaced by new generated identifiers. The mapping between old and new identifiers is exported in a CSV file.


$> itools cim-anonymizer --help
usage: itools [OPTIONS] cim-anonymizer --cim-path <PATH> [--help] --mapping-file
       <FILE> --output-dir <DIR> [--skip-external-refs]

Available options are:
    --config-name <CONFIG_NAME>   Override configuration file name

Available arguments are:
    --cim-path <PATH>       CIM zip file or directory
    --help                  display the help and quit
    --mapping-file <FILE>   File to store the ID mapping
    --output-dir <DIR>      Directory to write anonymized zip files
    --skip-external-refs    Do not anonymize external references

Required arguments

This option defines the CIM file (zip) or a directory where to look for CIM files.

This option defines the CSV file where the mapping between original and new identifiers are exported.

This option defines the path of the directory where to write the anonymized CIM files. If the output directory doesn’t exist, an exception is thrown.

Optional arguments

This option defines if the XML external references should also be anonymized or not. The default value is false, meaning that the external references are also anonymized.