The compare-security-analysis-results command is used to compare security-analysis results, stored in JSON.

The outcome of the comparison is success if the results are equivalent, fail otherwise.

This tool compares for the pre-contingency state and for all the post-contingency states of the two results:

  • the outcome (convergence/divergence) of the load flow computations
  • the values of the constraints violations

Two security analysis results are considered equivalent if all the following conditions are satisfied:

  • for all the pre-contingency and post-contingency states, the corresponding (i.e. related to the same state) outcome of the load flow computation is the same
  • for all the constraints violations, the difference of value of a corresponding (i.e. related to the same contingency and equipment) violation is less than a predefined threshold
  • if a constraints violation is contained in just one result, the violation is less than a predefined threshold
  • if a contingency is contained in just one result, all the post-contingency violations are less than a predefined threshold

The comparison process can optionally output in a CSV file all the compared values (pre and post-contingency load flow computation outcomes, and related constraints violations), with a corresponding comparison result (equivalent,different). See example below.



$> itools compare-security-analysis-results --help
usage: itools [OPTIONS] compare-security-analysis-results [--help] --output-file
       <FILE> --result1-file <FILE> --result2-file <FILE> [--threshold

Available options are:
    --config-name <CONFIG_NAME>   Override configuration file name

Available arguments are:
    --help                    display the help and quit
    --output-file <FILE>      output file path, where the comparison results
                              will be stored
    --result1-file <FILE>     security analysis result 1 file path
    --result2-file <FILE>     security analysis result 2 file path
    --threshold <THRESHOLD>   threshold used for results comparison, default is 0.0

Required parameters

The --output-file parameter defines the path of the output file, where the comparison results will be stored.

The --result1-file parameter defines the path of the JSON file containing the first security analysis result.

The --result2-file parameter defines the path of the JSON file containing the second security analysis result.

Optional parameters


Use the --threshold parameter to specify the threshold used for comparing values of the two security analysis results. Default value is 0.


This example shows how to compare two security analysis results and to store the comparison results in the $HOME/comparison_results.csv file:

$> itools compare-security-analysis-results --result1-file $HOME/result1.json --result2-file $HOME/result2.json --output-file $HOME/comparison_results.csv
Comparison result: fail

This example shows how to specify the threshold to be used in the comparison:

$> itools compare-security-analysis-results --result1-file $HOME/result1.json --result2-file $HOME/result2.json --output-file $HOME/comparison_results.csv  --threshold 0.1
Comparison result: success

Going further

To go further, check the following content: -security-analysis: an iTools command to run security analyses