iTools dynamic-simulation

The dynamic-simulation command loads a grid file and run a time domain simulation. At the end, the results and the modified network can be exported to files.


usage: itools [OPTIONS] dynamic-simulation --case-file <FILE> [--curves-file
       <FILE>] --dynamic-models-file <FILE> [--event-models-file <FILE>]
       [--help] [-I <property=value>] [--import-parameters <IMPORT_PARAMETERS>]
       [--output-file <FILE>] [--parameters-file <FILE>]

Available options are:
    --config-name <CONFIG_NAME>   Override configuration file name

Available arguments are:
    --case-file <FILE>                        the case path
    --curves-file <FILE>                      curves description as Groovy file
    --dynamic-models-file <FILE>              dynamic models description as a
                                              Groovy file: defines the dynamic
                                              models to be associated to chosen
                                              equipments of the network
    --event-models-file <FILE>                dynamic event models description
                                              as a Groovy file: defines the
                                              dynamic event models to be
                                              associated to chosen equipments of
                                              the network
    --help                                    display the help and quit
 -I <property=value>                          use value for given importer
    --import-parameters <IMPORT_PARAMETERS>   the importer configuation file
    --output-file <FILE>                      dynamic simulation results output
    --parameters-file <FILE>                  dynamic simulation parameters as
                                              JSON file

Required options

--case-file: This option defines the path of the case file on which the simulation is run. The supported formats depend on the execution class path.

--dynamic-models-file: This option defines the path of the mapping file used to associate dynamic models to static equipments of the network. At the moment, only groovy scripts are supported. The dynamic models DSL depends on the simulator used.

Optional options

--curves-file: This option defines the path of the configuration for the curves to export at the end of the simulation. This configuration file is a groovy script that respects the curves DSL syntax.

--event-models-file: This option defines the path of the configuration for the events to simulate during the simulation. At the moment, only groovy scripts are supported. The event models DSL depends on the simulator used.

This option defines the path of the importer’s configuration file. It’s possible to overload one or many parameters using the -I property=value syntax. The list of supported properties depends on the input format.

This option defines the path where to export the results of the simulation.

This option defines the path of the parameters file of the simulation. If this option is not used, the simulation is run with the default parameters.


The available power flow simulators implementations are described here.


The available parameters are described here.


The expected results are described in the time domain documentation


The following example shows how to run a power flow simulation, using the default configuration:

$> itools dynamic-simulation --case-file IEEE14.iidm --dynamic-models-file dynamicModels.groovy --curves-file curves.groovy
Loading network '/tmp/mathbagu/IEEE14.iidm'
dynamic simulation results:
| Result |
| true   |

The following example shows how to run a time domain simulation, using a parameters file:

$> itools dynamic-simulation --case-file IEEE14.iidm --dynamic-models-file dynamicModels.groovy --parameters-file dynawoParameters.json
dynamic simulation results:
| Result |
| true   |

See also