iTools loadflow-validation

The loadflow-validation command is used to validate load-flow results of a network. The command, besides validating the results, also prints the data of the validated equipments in output files. The consistency checks performed by the load flow validation may also be applied to results obtained with an optimal power flow or to the final state of a long dynamic simulation.


$> itools loadflow-validation --help
usage: itools [OPTIONS] loadflow-validation --case-file <FILE>
       [--compare-case-file <FILE>] [--compare-results <COMPARISON_TYPE>]
       [--help] [-I <property=value>] [--import-parameters <IMPORT_PARAMETERS>]
       [--load-flow] --output-folder <FOLDER> [--output-format
       <VALIDATION_WRITER>] [--run-computation <COMPUTATION>] [--types
       <VALIDATION_TYPE,VALIDATION_TYPE,...>] [--verbose]

Available options are:
    --config-name <CONFIG_NAME>   Override configuration file name

Available arguments are:
    --case-file <FILE>                              case file path
    --compare-case-file <FILE>                      path to the case file to
    --compare-results <COMPARISON_TYPE>             compare results of two
                                                    validations, printing output
                                                    files with results of both
                                                    ones. Available comparisons
                                                    are [COMPUTATION (compare
                                                    the validation of a basecase
                                                    before and after the
                                                    computation), BASECASE
                                                    (compare the validation of
                                                    two basecases)]
    --help                                          display the help and quit
 -I <property=value>                                use value for given importer
    --import-parameters <IMPORT_PARAMETERS>         the importer configuation
    --load-flow                                     run loadflow
    --output-folder <FOLDER>                        output folder path
    --output-format <VALIDATION_WRITER>             output format [CSV,
    --run-computation <COMPUTATION>                 run a computation on the
                                                    network before validation,
                                                    available computations are
    --types <VALIDATION_TYPE,VALIDATION_TYPE,...>   validation types [FLOWS,
                                                    GENERATORS, BUSES, SVCS,
                                                    SHUNTS, TWTS, TWTS3W] to
                                                    run, all of them if the
                                                    option if not specified
    --verbose                                       verbose output

Required arguments

Use the --case-file parameter to define the path of the case file.

Use the --output-folder parameter to define the path of the folder where the output files will be stored.

Optional arguments

--compare-case-file Use the --compare-case-file parameter to define the path of the second case file, in order to compare the loadflow results of two case files.

Use the --compare-results parameter to define the type of results to compare. The available types are:

  • BASECASE: compare results of the two basecases
  • COMPUTATION: run a computation on the two basecases and compare results of the resulting states.

Use the --import-parameters parameter to specify the path of the configuration file of the importer. It is possible to overload one or many parameters using the -I property=value parameter. The properties depend on the input format. Refer to the documentation page of each importer to know their specific configuration.

Use the --load-flow parameter to run a load-flow before the validation. This option is equivalent to --run-computation loadflow.

Use the --output-format parameter to specify the format of the output files. The available output formats are CSV or CSV_MULTILINE.

If this parameter is set to CSV, in the output files a line contains all values of a validated equipment. If the parameter is set to CSV_MULTILINE, in the output files the values of an equipment are split in multiple lines, one value for each line, see examples below:





Use the --run-computation parameter to run a computation before the validation. The supported computations are:

  • loadflow: run a load-flow
  • loadflowResultsCompletion: compute the missing P, Q, V and \(\theta\) values

Use the --types parameter to define the types of checks to run. If this parameter is not set, run all the checks. The supported types are FLOWS, GENERATORS, BUSES, SVCS, SHUNTS, TWTS.

To learn more about the different checks, read the loadflow-validation documentation page.


The following table summarizes the possible combinations of compare-results and run-computation parameters, and the corresponding case states validated and written in the output files. Some remarks:

  • State 1 is the state analyzed in the first validation
  • State 2 is the state analyzed in the second validation (columns with the suffix _postComp in the output files)
  • Case 1 is the value of case-file parameter
  • Case 2 is the value of compare-case-file parameter
  • some combinations are not available, e.g. if you use the compare-results parameter, with the COMPUTATION value, you have to use the run-computation (or load-flow) parameter.
Number compare-results run-computation State 1 State 2 (_postComp)
1 absent absent Case 1 after import None
2 absent loadflow/loadflowResultsCompletion Case 1 after import and computation None
3 BASECASE absent Case 1 after import Case 2 after import
4 BASECASE loadflow/loadflowResultsCompletion Case 1 after import and computation Case 2 after import
5 COMPUTATION loadflow/loadflowResultsCompletion Case 1 after import Case 1 after import and computation


To learn how to configure the loadflow-validation command, read the documentation of the loadflow-validation module.

You may also configure the loadflow itself to tune the loadflow validation using the --run-computation option (check the loadflow configuration page).

Load flow results validation

Overall, in the PowSyBl validation the tests are not made overly tight. In particular, leniency is preferred to tightness in case approximations are needed or when expectations are unclear (typically when the input data is inconsistent). For example, there is a switch to test only the main component because it is not clear what to expect from load flow results on small connected components.

Another important global setting available in the PowSyBl validation is the ok-missing-values parameter, which determines if is OK to have missing values or NaN. Normally, it should be set to false but it may be useful in the cases where the power flow results are incomplete to go through the rest of the validation.

In this section we go into more details about the checks performed by the validation feature of load-flow results available in PowSyBl.


If all values are present, or if only one value is missing, the result is considered to be consistent. Note that if the result contains only the voltages (phase and angle), the PowSyBl validation provides a load-flow results completion feature. It can be used to compute the flows from the voltages in order to ensure the results consistency, with the run-computation option of the PowSyBl validation.


The result on the branch is considered consistent if:

\[\max( \left| P_1^{calc} - P_1 \right|, \left| Q_1^{calc} - Q_1 \right|, \left| P_2^{calc} - P_2 \right|, \left| Q_2^{calc} - Q_2 \right| ) \leq \epsilon\]

For a branch that is disconnected on one end (for example end 2), then \(P_2 = Q_2 = 0\). As a result, it is possible to recompute \((V_2, \theta_2)\) which are usually not returned by power-flows and which are not stored in node-breaker IIDM format. The quality checks are done when this is done.

In case of missing results (usually the powers \(P_1\), \(Q_1\), \(P_2\), \(Q_2\) which are not mandatory), the PowSyBl validation will consider the results as inconsistent, unless ok-missing-values was set to true by the user on purpose to make the consistency check more lenient.

In case the voltages are available but not the powers, the results completion feature of the PowSyBl validation can be used to recompute them using the validation equations (meaning that the branch validation tests will always be OK, so that it allows to perform the bus validation tests).

Three-windings transformers

To be implemented, based on a conversion into 3 two-windings transformers.


Active power

The load-flow validation of PowSyBl checks whether the adjustment of balances has been done consistently by the power flow. The load-flow results do not include the adjustment mode used, nor the participation factors. They thus have to be inferred. If deviations are perfect, the proportion factor \(\hat{K}\) estimated for the right mode will be the same for all the deviating units for which \(P\) is strictly \(P_{min}\) and \(P_{max}\). Therefore, the inferred deviation is the one for which the standard deviation of the estimated proportion factor is the lowest.

Once the mode is determined, the new target can be computed for each unit. The following check is done:

\[\left| \max(P_{min}, \min(P_{max}, (1+\hat{K} F(g)))) targetP - P \right| < \epsilon\]

Voltage and reactive power

When the voltage regulation is disabled, the results’ validity follows the condition below:

\[\left| targetQ - Q \right| < \epsilon\]

On the other hand, when the voltage regulation is enabled, depending on the generator’s mode, one of the three conditions should be respected:

\[\begin{align*} |V - targetV| & \leq && \epsilon && \& && minQ & \leq & Q \leq maxQ \\ V - targetV & < & -& \epsilon && \& && |Q-maxQ| & \leq & \epsilon \\ targetV - V & < && \epsilon && \& && |Q-minQ| & \leq & \epsilon \\ \end{align*}\]

In the PowSyBl validation, there are a few tricks to handle special cases:

  • if \(minQ > maxQ\), then the values are switched to recover a meaningfull interval if noRequirementIfReactiveBoundInversion = false
  • in case of a missing value, the corresponding test is OK
  • \(minQ\) and \(maxQ\) are function of \(P\). If \(targetP\) is outside \([minP, maxP]\), no test is done.


To be implemented, with tests similar to generators with voltage regulation.


The two following conditions must be fulfilled in valid results:

\[\begin{align*} \left| P \right| < \epsilon \\ \left| Q + \text{#sections} * B V^2 \right| < \epsilon \end{align*}\]

Static VAR Compensators

The following conditions must be fulfilled in valid results: \(targetP = 0\) MW

  • If the regulation mode is OFF, then \(\left| targetQ - Q \right| < \epsilon\)
  • If the regulation mode is REACTIVE_POWER, same checks as a generator without voltage regulation
  • If the regulation mode is VOLTAGE, same checks as a generator with voltage regulation with the following bounds: \(minQ = - Bmax * V^2\) and \(maxQ = - Bmin V^2\)

HVDC lines

To be done.


Same checks as a generator. Besides, for stations paired by a cable: \(\sum_{\text{stations}}{P} = \sum_{\text{stations}}{Loss} + Loss_{cable}\)


To be done.

Transformers with a ratio tap changer

To check a steady-state has been reached, an upper bound of the deadband value is needed. Generally, the value of the deadband is not available in data models. Usual load flow solvers simply consider a continuous tap that is rounded afterwards. As a result, one should compute an upper bound of the effect of the rounding. Under the usual situation where the low voltage (side one) is controlled, the maximum effect is expected if the high voltage is fixed (usually it decreases) and if the network connected to the low voltage is an antenna. If the transformer is perfect, the equations are:

  • With the current tap tap, and if the regulated side is side TWO:
\[V_2(tap) = \rho_{tap} V_1\]
  • With the next tap, the new voltage would be:
\[V_2(tap+1) = \rho_{tap+1} V_1 = \frac{\rho_{tap+1}}{\rho_{tap}} V_2(tap)\]

We can therefore compute approximately the voltage increments corresponding to \(tap-1\) and \(tap+1\).

  • We then assume the deadband of the regulation to be equal to the voltage increase/decrease that can be performed with taps \(tap-1\) and \(tap+1\):
\[\begin{align*} & \text{up deadband} = - \min(V_2(tap+1) - V_2(tap), V_2(tap-1) - V_2(tap)) \\ & \text{down deadband} = \max(V_2(tap+1) - V_2(tap), V_2(tap-1) - V_2(tap)) \\ \end{align*}\]

Finally, we check that the voltage deviation \(\text{deviation} = V_2(tap) - targetV2\) stays inside the deadband.

  • If \(deviation < 0\), meaning that the voltage is too low, it should be checked if the deviation would be smaller by increasing V2, i.e. the following condition should be satisfied: \(\left| deviation \right| < down deadband + threshold\)
  • If \(deviation > 0\), meaning that the voltage is too high, it should be checked if the deviation would be smaller by decreasing V2, i.e. the following condition should be satisfied: \(deviation < up deadband + threshold\)

The test is done only if the regulated voltage is on one end of the transformer and it always returns OK if the controlled voltage is remote.


Example 1

The following example shows how to run a loadflow validation on a UCTE network model:

$> itools loadflow-validation --case-file 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct --output-folder /tmp/results

The validation results, printed to the standard output:

Loading case 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: TWTS - result: success
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: FLOWS - result: fail
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: BUSES - result: fail
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: SVCS - result: success
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: SHUNTS - result: success
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: GENERATORS - result: fail

Eventually, you will find in your output-folder one csv file for each validation type.

Example 2

In this example we are comparing results of two validation: before and after load flow computation. Two additional arguments are needed:

  • load-flow
  • compare_results: COMPUTATION
$> itools loadflow-validation --case-file 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct --output-folder tmp/loadFlowValidationResults
--verbose --output-format CSV --load-flow --compare-results COMPUTATION

The validation results, printed to the standard output:

Loading case 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct
Running pre-loadflow validation on network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct.uct
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: TWTS - result: success
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: GENERATORS - result: fail
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: FLOWS - result: fail
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: SHUNTS - result: success
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: BUSES - result: fail
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: SVCS - result: success
Running loadflow on network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct
Running post-loadflow validation on network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: TWTS - result: success
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: GENERATORS - result: fail
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: FLOWS - result: fail
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: SHUNTS - result: success
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: BUSES - result: fail
Validate load-flow results of network 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct - validation type: SVCS - result: success

Eventually, you will find in your output-folder one csv file for each validation type, containing the data pre and post computation (loadflow).