iTools security-analysis

The security-analysis command loads a grid file and run a security analysis simulation, to detect security violations on pre- or post-contingencies states. At the end of the simulation the results are printed or exported to a file.


$> itools security-analysis --help
usage: itools [OPTIONS] security-analysis --case-file <FILE>
       [--contingencies-file <FILE>] [--external] [--help] [-I <property=value>]
       [--import-parameters <IMPORT_PARAMETERS>] [--limit-types <LIMIT-TYPES>]
       [--log-file <FILE>] [--output-file <FILE>] [--output-format <FORMAT>]
       [--parameters-file <FILE>] [--skip-postproc] [--with-extensions

Available options are:
    --config-name <CONFIG_NAME>   Override configuration file name

Available arguments are:
    --case-file <FILE>                        the case path
    --contingencies-file <FILE>               the contingencies path
    --external                                external execution
    --help                                    display the help and quit
 -I <property=value>                          use value for given importer
    --import-parameters <IMPORT_PARAMETERS>   the importer configuation file
    --limit-types <LIMIT-TYPES>               limit type filter (all if not set)
    --log-file <FILE>                         log output path (.zip)
    --output-file <FILE>                      the output path
    --output-format <FORMAT>                  the output format [JSON]
    --parameters-file <FILE>                  loadflow parameters as JSON file
    --skip-postproc                           skip network importer post
                                              processors (when configured)
    --with-extensions <EXTENSIONS>            the extension list to enable

Allowed EXTENSIONS values are []

Required arguments

This option defines the path of the case file on which the power flow simulation is run. The supported formats depend on the execution class path.

Optional arguments

This option defines the path of the contingencies files. If this parameter is not set, the security violations are checked on the base state only. This file is a groovy script that respects the contingency DSL syntax.

TODO: Use this argument to run the security analysis as an external process.

This option defines the path of the importer’s configuration file. It’s possible to overload one or many parameters using the -I property=value syntax. The list of supported properties depends on the input format.

This option allows to filter certain types of violations. It overrides the default configuration defined in the limit-violation-default-filter configuration module. The supported types are the following: CURRENT, LOW_VOLTAGE, HIGH_VOLTAGE, LOW_SHORT_CIRCUIT_CURRENT, HIGH_SHORT_CIRCUIT_CURRENT and OTHER.


This option defines the path of the result file. If this option is not set, the results are printed to the console.

--output-format This option defines the format of the output file. This option is required if the --output-file is set. The only supported format is JSON.

This option defines the path of the parameters file of the simulation. If this option is not used, the simulation is run with the default parameters.

--with-extensions This option defines the list of extensions to complete the simulation results with additional data. This list of available extensions are listed in the usage of the command.










Example 1

The following example shows how to run a security analysis simulation to detect only pre-contingency violations, for a given network:

$> itools security-analysis --case-file 20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct

The analysis results are printed to the console:

Loading network '20170322_1844_SN3_FR2.uct'
Pre-contingency violations:
| Action | Equipment (1)       | End     | Country | Base voltage | Violation type | Violation name  | Value      | Limit     | abs(value-limit) | Loading rate % |
|        | FFNGEN71 FFNHV111 1 | FFNHV17 | FR      |           27 | CURRENT        | Permanent limit | 15350.0808 | 9999.0000 |        5351.0808 |         153.52 |

Example 2

The following example shows how to run a security analysis simulation to detect the post-contingency violations status of given network and a set of contingencies.

Content of the contingencies.groovy file:``

$> cat contingencies.groovy
contingency('HV_line_1') {
    equipments 'NHV1_NHV2_1'
contingency('HV_line_2') {
    equipments 'NHV1_NHV2_2'

To run a post-contingencies security analysis, use the --contingencies-file argument:

$> itools security-analysis --case-file eurostag_example.xiidm --contingencies-file contingencies.groovy
Loading network 'eurostag_example.xiidm'
Pre-contingency violations:
| Action | Equipment (0) | End | Country | Base voltage | Violation type | Violation name | Value | Limit | abs(value-limit) | Loading rate % |
Post-contingency limit violations:
| Contingency | Status   | Action | Equipment (4) | End   | Country | Base voltage | Violation type | Violation name  | Value     | Limit     | abs(value-limit) | Loading rate % |
| HV_line_1   | converge |        | Equipment (2) |       |         |              |                |                 |           |           |                  |                |
|             |          |        | NHV1_NHV2_2   | VLHV1 | FR      |          380 | CURRENT        | Permanent limit | 1008.9289 |  500.0000 |         508.9289 |         201.79 |
|             |          |        | NHV1_NHV2_2   | VLHV2 | FR      |          380 | CURRENT        | Permanent limit | 1047.8260 |  500.0000 |         547.8260 |         209.57 |
| HV_line_2   | converge |        | Equipment (2) |       |         |              |                |                 |           |           |                  |                |
|             |          |        | NHV1_NHV2_1   | VLHV1 | FR      |          380 | CURRENT        | Permanent limit | 1008.9289 | 1000.0000 |           8.9289 |         100.89 |
|             |          |        | NHV1_NHV2_1   | VLHV2 | FR      |          380 | CURRENT        | Permanent limit | 1047.8260 | 1000.0000 |          47.8260 |         104.78 |

TODO: to be clean and completed with the following information


Use the --with-extensions parameter to activate a list of implementations.


To run a security analysis, one has to configure the componentDefaultConfig module to indicate the implementations to use for:

  • the to use, by setting the SecurityAnalysisFactory property
  • the com.powsybl.contingency.ContingenciesProvider to use, by setting the ContingenciesProviderFactory property

YAML version

    ContingenciesProviderFactory: com.powsybl.action.dsl.GroovyDslContingenciesProviderFactory
  default: Mock

XML version


To learn more about contingencies or available ContingenciesProvider read this documentation page.

To learn how to filter violations, read the limit-violation-default-filter module documentation page.

To learn more about configuration files, read the SecurityAnalysisParameters documentation page.


Example 1

Maven configuration

To use the security-analysis command, add the following dependencies to the pom.xml file.


Further behavior customization

The behavior of the security analysis may be further customized by using a SecurityAnalysisPreprocessor. Such a preprocessor will have the possibility to programmatically transform the following objects before the security analysis is actually executed :

  • The Network
  • The ContingenciesProvider
  • The LimitViolationDetector
  • The LimitViolationFilter
  • The SecurityAnalysisParameters
  • The SecurityAnalysisInterceptors

It enables, for example, to customize what should be considered a limit violation and what should not.

This preprocessing may use the contingencies file provided to the command line tool as an input.

In order to use a preprocessor, you will need to configure it in the security-analysis configuration module.

Security-analysis implementations

Slow implementation

Read this documentation page to learn how to configure Powsybl to use the SecurityAnalysisImpl implementation, a load-flow based implementation for security limits detection.
