Operational limits

Current limits

Two examples are provided below, with their corresponding limits scheme, to show clearly how to create a new CurrentLimits instance.

First example

This first example creates a CurrentLimits instance containing one permanent limit and two temporary limits.

CurrentLimits currentLimits = network.getDanglingLine("DL").newCurrentLimits()
        .setAcceptableDuration(20 * 60)
        .setAcceptableDuration(10 * 60)

Current limits scheme_example1

Second example

This second example creates a CurrentLimits instance containing one permanent limit and three temporary limits, one of them having an infinite limit value.

CurrentLimits currentLimits = network.getDanglingLine("DL").newCurrentLimits()
        .setAcceptableDuration(20 * 60)
        .setAcceptableDuration(10 * 60)

Current limits scheme_example1