powsybl-afs GitHub release

The PowSyBl AFS (Application File System) repository provides a standardized way to organize the data for a power system study. It supports several storage system such as MapDB or Apache Cassandra. It is designed to be extensible using custom plugins to manage new types of data.


  • the application file system

Getting started

  • Guide 1 - Create an application file system


Version Release date Release notes API documentation
5.0.2 2022-12-09 Release notes Javadoc
5.0.1 2022-12-06 Release notes Javadoc
5.0.0 2022-11-23 Release notes Javadoc
4.1.0 2022-11-08 Release notes Javadoc
4.0.5 2022-07-13 Release notes Javadoc
4.0.4 2022-06-30 Release notes Javadoc
3.6.0 2021-05-03 Release notes Javadoc
3.5.0 2021-03-02 Release notes Javadoc
3.4.1 2021-01-16 Release notes Javadoc
3.4.0 2020-11-16 Release notes Javadoc
3.3.0 2020-08-03 Release notes Javadoc
3.2.0 2020-03-13 Release notes Javadoc
3.1.0 2020-01-24 Release notes Javadoc