The CGMES (Common Grid Model Exchange Specification) is an IEC technical specification (TS 61970-600-1, TS 61970-600-2) based on the IEC CIM (Common Information Model) family of standards. It was developed to meet necessary requirements for TSO data exchanges in the areas of system development and system operation. In this scenario the agents (the Modelling Authorities) generate their Individual Grid Models (IGM) that can be assembled to build broader Common Grid Models (CGM). Boundaries between IGMs are well defined: the boundary data is shared between the modelling agents and contain all boundary points required for a given grid model exchange.

In CGMES, an electric power system model is described by data grouped in different subsets (profiles) and exchanged as CIM/XML files, with each file associated to a given profile. The profiles considered in PowSyBl are:

  • EQ Equipment. Contains data that describes the equipment present in the network and its physical characteristics.
  • SSH Steady State Hypothesis. Required input parameters to perform power flow analysis; e.g., energy injections and consumptions and setpoint values for regulating controls.
  • TP Topology. Describe how the equipment is electrically connected. Contains the definition of power flow buses.
  • SV State Variables. Contains all the information required to describe a steady-state power flow solution over the network.
  • EQBD Equipment Boundary. Contains definitions of the equipment in the boundary.
  • TPBD Topology Boundary. Topology information associated to the boundary.
  • DL Diagram Layout. Contains information about diagram positions.
  • GL Geographical Layout. Contains information about geographical positions.

CGMES model connectivity can be defined at two different levels of detail:

Node/breaker This is the level of detail required for Operation. The EQ contains Connectivity Nodes where the conducting equipment are attached through its Terminals. All switching devices (breakers, disconnectors, …) are modelled. The contents of the TP file must be the result of the topology processing over the graph defined by connectivity nodes and switching devices, taking into account its open/closed status.

Bus/branch No Connectivity Nodes are present in the EQ file. The association of every equipment to a bus is defined directly in the TP file, that must be provided.

Format specification

Current supported versions of CGMES are 2.4.15 and 3.0. To learn more about the standard, read the documents in the Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES) Library.

Triple store

A triplestore or RDF store is a purpose-built database for the storage and retrieval of triples through semantic queries. A triple is a data entity composed of subject-predicate-object such as “Generator is in France”, or in RDF/XML:

<rdf:description rdf:about="generator">

Input CGMES data read from CIM/XML files is stored natively in a purpose specific database for RDF statements (a Triplestore). There are multiple open-source implementations of Triplestore engines that could be easily plugged in PowSyBl. The only supported Triplestore engine used by PowSyBl is RDF4J. Loading from RDF/XML files to the Triplestore is highly optimized by these engines. Furthermore, the Triplestore repository can be configured to use an in-memory store, allowing faster access to data.

In-memory Rdf4j

Eclipse RDF4J™ is an open source modular Java framework for working with RDF data. This includes parsing, storing, inferencing and querying of/over such data. It offers an easy-to-use API that can be connected to all leading RDF storage solutions. It allows you to connect with SPARQL endpoints and create applications that leverage the power of Linked Data and Semantic Web.

Its in-memory implementation is the default triplestore engine use by PowSyBl for CIM-CGMES import.


The CGMES importer reads and converts a CGMES model to the PowSyBl grid model. The import process is performed in two steps:

  • Read input files into a triplestore
  • Convert CGMES data retrieved by SPARQL requests from the created triplestore to PowSyBl grid model

The data in input CIM/XML files uses RDF (Resource Description Framework) syntax. In RDF, data is described making statements about resources using triplet expressions: (subject, predicate, object). To describe the conversion from CGMES to PowSyBl we first introduce some generic considerations about the level of detail of the model (node/breaker or bus/branch), the identity of the equipments and equipment containment in substations and voltage levels. After that, the conversion for every CGMES relevant class is explained. Consistency checks and validations performed during the conversion are mentioned in the corresponding sections.

Levels of detail: node/breaker and bus/branch

CGMES models defined at node/breaker level of detail will be mapped to PowSyBl node/breaker topology level. CGMES models defined at bus/branch level will be mapped to PowSyBl bus/breaker topology level.

For each equipment in the PowSyBl grid model it is necessary to specify how it should be connected to the network.

If the model is specified at the bus/breaker level, a Bus must be specified for the equipment.

If the voltage level is built at node/breaker level, a Node must be specified when adding the equipment to PowSyBl. The conversion will create a different Node in PowSyBl for each equipment connection.

Using the Node or Bus information, PowSyBl creates a Terminal that will be used to manage the point of connection of the equipment to the network.

Some equipment, like switches, lines or transformers, have more than one point of connection to the Network.

In PowSyBl, a Node can have zero or one terminal. In CGMES, the ConnectivityNode objects may have more than one associated terminals. To be able to represent this in PowSyBl, the conversion process will automatically create internal connections between the PowSyBl nodes that represent equipment connections and the nodes created to map CGMES ConnectivityNode objects.

Identity of model equipments

Almost all the equipments of the PowSyBl grid model require a unique identifier Id and may optionally have a human readable Name. Whenever possible, these attributes will be directly copied from original CGMES attributes.

Terminals are used by CGMES and PowSyBl to define the points of connection of the equipment to the network. CGMES terminals have unique identifiers. PowSyBl does not allow terminals to have an associated identifier. Information about original CGMES terminal identifiers is stored in each PowSyBl object using aliases.

Equipment containers: substations and voltage levels

The PowSyBl grid model establishes the substation as a required container of voltage levels and transformers (two and three windings transformers and phase shifters). Voltage levels are the required container of the rest network equipments, except for the AC and DC transmission lines that establish connections between substations and are associated directly to the network model. All buses at transformer ends should be kept at the same substation.

The CGMES model does not guarantee these hierarchical constraints, so the first step in the conversion process is to identify all the transformers with ends in different substations and all the breakers and switches with ends in different voltage levels. All the voltage levels connected by breakers or switches should be mapped to a single voltage level in the PowSyBl grid model. The first CGMES voltage level, in alphabetical order, will be the representative voltage level associated to the PowSyBl voltage level. The same criterion is used for substations, and the first CGMES substation will be the representative substation associated to the PowSyBl one. The joined voltage levels and substations information is used almost in every step of the mapping between CGMES and PowSyBl models, and it is recorded in the Context conversion class, that keeps data throughout the overall conversion process.

Conversion from CGMES to PowSyBl grid model

The following sections describe in detail how each supported CGMES network component is converted to PowSyBl network model objects.


For each substation (considering only the representative substation if they are connected by transformers) in the CGMES model a new substation is created in the PowSyBl grid model with the following attributes created as such:

  • Country It is obtained from the regionName property as first option, from subRegionName as second option. Otherwise, is assigned to null.
  • GeographicalTags It is obtained from the SubRegion property.


As in the substations, for each voltage level (considering only the representative voltage level if they are connected by switches) in the CGMES model a new voltage level is created in the PowSyBl grid model with the following attributes created as such:

  • NominalV It is copied from the nominalVoltage property of the CGMES voltage level.
  • TopologyKind It will be NODE_BREAKER or BUS_BREAKER depending on the level of detail of the CGMES grid model.
  • LowVoltageLimit It is copied from the lowVoltageLimit property.
  • HighVoltageLimit It is copied from the highVoltageLimit property.


If the CGMES model is a node/breaker model then ConnectivityNode objects are present in the CGMES input files, and for each of them a new Node is created in the corresponding PowSyBl voltage level. A Node in the PowSyBl model is an integer identifier that is unique by voltage level.

If the import option iidm.import.cgmes.create-busbar-section-for-every-connectivity-node is true an additional busbar section is also created in the same voltage level. This option is used to debug the conversion and facilitate the comparison of the topology present in the CGMES input files and the topology computed by PowSyBl. The attributes of the busbar section are created as such:

  • Identity attributes Id and Name are copied from the ConnectivityNode.
  • Node The same Node assigned to the mapped ConnectivityNode.


If the CGMES model is defined at bus/branch detail, then CGMES TopologicalNode objects are used in the conversion, and for each of them a Bus is created in the PowSyBl grid model inside the corresponding voltage level container, at the PowSyBl bus/breaker topology level. The created Bus has the following attributes:

  • Identity attributes Id and Name are copied from the TopologicalNode.
  • V The voltage of the TopologicalNode is copied if it is valid (greater than 0).
  • Angle The angle the TopologicalNode is copied if the previous voltage is valid.


Busbar sections can be created in PowSyBl grid model only at node/breaker level.

CGMES Busbar sections are mapped to PowSyBl busbar sections only if CGMES is node/breaker and the import option iidm.import.cgmes.create-busbar-section-for-every-connectivity-node is set to false. In this case, a BusbarSection is created in the PowSyBl grid model for each BusbarSection of the CGMES model, with the attributes created as such:

  • Identity attributes Id and Name are copied from the CGMES BusbarSection.
  • Node A new Node in the corresponding voltage level.


Every EnergyConsumer object in the CGMES model creates a new Load in PowSyBl. The attributes are created as such:

  • P0, Q0 are set from CGMES values taken from SSH, SV, or EQ data depending on which are defined.
  • LoadType It will be FICTITIOUS if the Id of the energyConsumer contains the pattern fict. Otherwise UNDEFINED.
  • LoadDetail Additional information about conform and non-conform loads is added as an extension of the Load object (for more details about the extension).

The LoadDetail extension attributes depend on the type property of the CGMES EnergyConsumer. For a conform load:

  • withFixedActivePower is always 0.
  • withFixedReactivePower is always 0.
  • withVariableActivePower is set to the Load P0.
  • withVariableReactivePower is set to the Load Q0.

When the type is a non-conform load:

  • withFixedActivePower is set to the Load P0.
  • withFixedReactivePower is set to the Load Q0.
  • withVariableActivePower is set to 0.
  • withVariableReactivePower is set to 0.


A CGMES EnergySource is a generic equivalent for an energy supplier, with the injection given using load sign convention.

For each EnergySource object in the CGMES model a new PowSyBl Load is created, with attributes created as such:

  • P0, Q0 set from SSH or SV values depending on which are defined.
  • LoadType It will be FICTITIOUS if the Id of the energySource contains the pattern fict. Otherwise UNDEFINED.


CMES uses SvInjection objects to report mismatches on calculated buses: they record the calculated bus injection minus the sum of the terminal flows. According to the documentation, the values will thus follow generator sign convention: positive sign means injection into the bus. Note that all the reference cases used for development follow load sign convention to report these mismatches, so we have decided to follow this load sign convention as a first approach.

For each SvInjection in the CGMES network model a new PowSyBl Load with attributes created as such:

  • P0, Q0 are set from SvInjection.pInjection/qInjection.
  • LoadType is always set to FICTITIOUS.
  • Fictitious is set to true.


The mapping of a CGMES EquivalentInjection depends on its location relative to the boundary area.

If the EquivalentInjection is outside the boundary area, it will be mapped to a PowSyBl Generator.

If the EquivalentInjection is at the boundary area, its regulating voltage data will be mapped to the generation data inside the PowSyBl DanglingLine created at the boundary point and its values for P, Q will be used to define the DanglingLine P0, Q0. Please note that the said DanglingLine can be created from an ACLineSegment, a Switch, an EquivalentBranch or a PowerTransformer.

Attributes of the PowSyBl generator or of the PowSyBl dangling line’s generation are created as such:

  • MinP/MaxP are copied from CGMES minP/maxP if defined, otherwise they are set to -Double.MAX_VALUE/Double.MAX_VALUE.
  • TargetP/TargetQ are set from SSH or SV values depending on which are defined. CGMES values for p/q are given with load sign convention, so a change in sign is applied when copying them to TargetP/TargetQ.
  • TargetV The regulationTarget property is copied if it is not equal to zero. Otherwise, the nominal voltage associated to the connected terminal of the equivalentInjection is assigned. For CGMES Equivalent Injections the voltage regulation is allowed only at the point of connection.
  • VoltageRegulatorOn It is assigned to true if both properties, regulationCapability and regulationStatus are true and the terminal is connected.
  • EnergySource is set to OTHER.


CGMES ACLineSegments’ mapping depends on its location relative to the boundary area.

If the ACLineSegment is outside the boundary area, it will be mapped to a PowSyBl Line.

If the ACLineSegment is completely inside the boundary area, if the boundaries are not imported, it is ignored. Otherwise, it is mapped to a PowSyBl Line.

If the ACLineSegment has one side inside the boundary area and one side outside the boundary area, the importer checks if another branch is connected to the same CGMES TopologicalNode in the boundary area.

  • If there is no other branch connected to this TopologicalNode, it will be mapped to a PowSyBl DanglingLine.
  • If there are one or more other branches connected to this TopologicalNode and they all are in the same SubGeographicalRegion, they will all be mapped to PowSyBl DanglingLines.
  • If there is exactly one other branch connected to this TopologicalNode in another SubGeographicalRegion, they will both be mapped to PowSyBl HalfLines, which are part of the same PowSyBl TieLine.
  • If there are two or more other branches connected to this TopologicalNode in different SubGeographicalRegions:
    • If there are only two branches with their boundary terminal connected and in different SubGeographicalRegion, they will both be mapped to PowSyBl HalfLines, which are part of the same PowSyBl TieLine and all other ACLineSegments will be mapped to PowSyBl DanglingLines.
    • Otherwise, they will all be mapped to PowSyBl DanglingLines.

If the ACLineSegment is mapped to a PowSyBl Line:

  • R is copied from CGMES r
  • X is copied from CGMES x
  • G1 is calculated as half of CMGES gch if defined, 0.0 otherwise
  • G2 is calculated as half of CGMES gch if defined, 0.0 otherwise
  • B1 is calculated as half of CGMES bch
  • B2 is calculated as half of CGMES bch

If the ACLineSegment is mapped to a PowSyBl DanglingLine:

  • R is copied from CGMES r
  • X is copied from CGMES x
  • G is copied from CMGES gch if defined, 0.0 otherwise
  • B is copied from CGMES bch
  • PairingKey is copied from the name of the TopologicalNode or the ConnectivityNode (respectively in NODE-BREAKER or BUS-BRANCH) inside boundaries
  • P0 is copied from CGMES P of the terminal at boundary side
  • Q0 is copied from CGMES Q of the terminal at boundary side

If the ACLineSegment is mapped to a PowSyBl HalfLine:

  • R is copied from CGMES r
  • X is copied from CGMES x
  • G1 is 0.0 is the Half Line is on side ONE of the Tie Line. If the Half Line is on side TWO of the Tie Line, it is copied from CGMES gch if defined, 0.0 otherwise.
  • G2 is 0.0 is the Half Line is on side TWO of the Tie Line. If the Half Line is on side ONE of the Tie Line, it is copied from CGMES gch if defined, 0.0 otherwise.
  • B1 is 0.0 is the Half Line is on side ONE of the Tie Line. If the Half Line is on side TWO of the Tie Line, it is copied from CGMES bch.
  • B2 is 0.0 is the Half Line is on side TWO of the Tie Line. If the Half Line is on side ONE of the Tie Line, it is copied from CGMES bch.
  • PairingKey is copied from the name of the TopologicalNode or the ConnectivityNode (respectively in NODE-BREAKER or BUS-BRANCH) inside boundaries


CGMES EquivalentBranches’ mapping depends on its location relative to the boundary area.

If the EquivalentBranch is outside the boundary area, it will be mapped to a PowSyBl Line.

If the EquivalentBranch is completely inside the boundary area, if the boundaries are not imported, it is ignored. Otherwise, it is mapped to a PowSyBl Line.

If the EquivalentBranch has one side inside the boundary area and one side outside the boundary area, the importer checks if another branch is connected to the same CGMES TopologicalNode in the boundary area.

  • If there is no other branch connected to this TopologicalNode, it will be mapped to a PowSyBl DanglingLine.
  • If there are one or more other branches connected to this TopologicalNode and they all are in the same SubGeographicalRegion, they will all be mapped to PowSyBl DanglingLines.
  • If there is exactly one other branch connected to this TopologicalNode in another SubGeographicalRegion, they will both be mapped to PowSyBl HalfLines, which are part of the same PowSyBl TieLine.
  • If there are two or more other branches connected to this TopologicalNode in different SubGeographicalRegions:
    • If there are only two branches connected with their boundary terminal connected and in different SubGeographicalRegion, they will both be mapped to PowSyBl HalfLines, which are part of the same PowSyBl TieLine and all other EquivalentBranches will be mapped to PowSyBl DanglingLines.
    • Otherwise, they will all be mapped to PowSyBl DanglingLines.

If the EquivalentBranch is mapped to a PowSyBl Line:

  • R is copied from CGMES r
  • X is copied from CGMES x
  • G1 is 0.0
  • G2 is 0.0
  • B1 is 0.0
  • B2 is 0.0

If the EquivalentBranch is mapped to a PowSyBl DanglingLine:

  • R is copied from CGMES r
  • X is copied from CGMES x
  • G is 0.0
  • B is 0.0
  • PairingKey is copied from the name of the TopologicalNode or the ConnectivityNode (respectively in NODE-BREAKER or BUS-BRANCH) inside boundaries
  • P0 is copied from CGMES P of the terminal at boundary side
  • Q0 is copied from CGMES Q of the terminal at boundary side


CGMES AsynchronousMachines represent rotating machines whose shaft rotates asynchronously with the electrical field. It can be motor or generator; no distinction is made for the conversion of these two types.

A CGMES AsynchronousMachine is mapped to a PowSyBl Load with attributes created as described below:

  • P0, Q0 are set from CGMES values taken from SSH or SVdata depending on which are defined. If there is no defined data, it is 0.0.
  • LoadType is FICTITIOUS if the CGMES ID contains “fict”. Otherwise, it is UNDEFINED.


CGMES SynchronousMachines represent rotating machines whose shaft rotates synchronously with the electrical field. It can be motor or generator; no distinction is made for the conversion of these two types.

A CGMES SynchronousMachine is mapped to a PowSyBl Generator with attributes created as described below:

  • MinP is set from CGMES GeneratingUnit.minOperatingP on the GeneratingUnit associated with the SynchronousMachine. If invalid, MinP is -Double.MAX_VALUE.
  • MaxP is set from CGMES GeneratingUnit.maxOperatingP on the GeneratingUnit associated with the SynchronousMachine. If invalid, MaxP is Double.MAX_VALUE.
  • ratedS is copied from CGMES ratedS. If it is strictly lower than 0, it is considered undefined.
  • EnergySource is defined from the CGMES GeneratingUnit class of the GeneratingUnit associated with the SynchronousMachine
    • If it is a HydroGeneratingUnit, EnergySource is HYDRO
    • If it is a NuclearGeneratingUnit, EnergySource is NUCLEAR
    • If it is a ThermalGeneratingUnit, EnergySource is THERMAL
    • If it is a WindGeneratingUnit, EnergySource is WIND
    • If it is a SolarGeneratingUnit, EnergySource is SOLAR
    • Else, EnergySource is OTHER
  • TargetP/TargetQ are set from SSH or SV values depending on which are defined. CGMES values for p/q are given with load sign convention, so a change in sign is applied when copying them to TargetP/TargetQ. If undefined, TargetP is set from CGMES GeneratingUnit.initialP from the GeneratingUnit associated to the SynchronousMachine and TargetQ is set to 0.

TODO reactive limits

TODO regulation

TODO normalPF


A CGMES EquivalentShunt is mapped to a PowSyBl linear ShuntCompensator. A linear shunt compensator has banks or sections with equal admittance values. Its attributes are created as described below:

  • SectionCount is 1 if the EquivalentShunt CGMES Terminal is connected, else it is 0.
  • BPerSection is copied from CGMES b
  • MaximumSectionCount is set to 1


CGMES ExternalNetworkInjections are injections representing the flows from an entire external network.

A CGMES ExternalNetworkinjection is mapped to a PowSyBl Generator with attributes created as described below:

  • MinP is copied from CGMES minP
  • MaxP is copied from CGMES maxP
  • TargetP/TargetQ are set from SSH or SV values depending on which are defined. CGMES values for p/q are given with load sign convention, so a change in sign is applied when copying them to TargetP/TargetQ. If undefined, they are set to 0.
  • EnergySource is set as OTHER

TODO reactive limits

TODO regulation


CGMES LinearShuntCompensators represent shunt compensators with banks or sections with equal admittance values.

A CGMES LinearShuntCompensator is mapped to a PowSybl ShuntCompensator with SectionCount copied from CGMES SSH sections or CGMES SvShuntCompensatorSections.sections, depending on the import option. If none is defined, it is copied from CGMES normalSections. The created PowSyBl shunt compensator is linear and its attributes are defined as described below:

  • BPerSection is copied from CGMES bPerSection if defined. Else, it is Float.MIN_VALUE.
  • GPerSection is copied from CGMES gPerSection if defined. Else, it is left undefined.
  • MaximumSectionCount is copied from CGMES maximumSections.

TODO regulation


CGMES NonlinearShuntCompensators represent shunt compensators with banks or section addmittance values that differs.

A CGMES NonlinearShuntCompensator is mapped to a PowSyBl ShuntCompensator with SectionCount copied from CGMES SSH sections or CGMES SvShuntCompensatorSections.sections, depending on the import option. If none is defined, it is copied from CGMES normalSections. The created PowSyBl shunt compensator is non linear and has as many Sections as there are CGMES NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoint associated with the CGMES NonlinearShuntCompensator it is mapped to.

Sections are created from the lowest CGMES sectionNumber to the highest and each section has its attributes created as describe below:

  • B is calculated as the sum of all CGMES b of NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoints with sectionNumber lower or equal to its sectionNumber
  • G is calculated as the sum of all CGMES g of NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoints with sectionNumber lower or equal to its sectionNumber

TODO regulation




CGMES PowerTransformers represent electrical devices consisting of two or more coupled windings, each represented by a PowerTransformerEnd. PowSyBl only supports PowerTransformers with two or three windings.

PowerTransformer with two PowerTransformerEnds

If a CGMES PowerTransformer has two PowerTransformerEnds, both outside the boundary area, it is mapped to a PowSyBl TwoWindingsTransformer. Please note that in this case, if PowerTransformerEnds are in different substations, the substations are merged into one.

If a CGMES PowerTransformer has two PowerTransformerEnds, both completely inside the boundary area, and if the boundary area is not imported, the PowerTransformer is ignored. Otherwise, it is mapped to a PowSyBl TwoWindingsTransformer.

If the PowerTransformer has one PowerTransformerEnd inside the boundary area and the other outside the boundary area, the importer checks if another branch is connected to the same CGMES TopologicalNode in the boundary area.

  • If there is no other connected to this TopologicalNode, it is mapped to a PowSyBl DanglingLine.
  • If there is one or more other branches connected to this TopologicalNode and they are all in the same SubGeographicalRegion, they will all be mapped to PowSyBl DanglingLines.
  • If there is exactly one other branch connected to this TopologicalNode in another SubGeographicalRegion, they will both be mapped to PowSyBl HalfLines, which are part of the same PowSyBl TieLine.
  • If there are two or more other branches connected to this TopologicalNode in different SubGeographicalRegions:
    • If there are only two branches with their boundary terminal connected and in different SubGeographicalRegion, they will both be mapped to PowSyBl HalfLines, which are part of the same PowSyBl TieLine and all other EquivalentBranches will be mapped to PowSyBl DanglingLines.
    • Otherwise, they will all be mapped to PowSyBl DanglingLines.

In every case, a PowerTransformer with two PowerTransformerEnds is mapped to an intermediary model that corresponds to a PowSyBl TwoWindingsTransformer. For more information about this conversion, please look at the classes InterpretedT2xModel and ConvertedT2xModel.

If the PowerTransformer is finally mapped to a PowSyBl DanglingLine, its structural attributes (R, X, G and B) are calculated from the intermediary model’s attributes, and the ratio from its ratio tap changer and/or its phase tap changer. P0 and Q0 are set from CGMES P and Q values at boundary side; PairingKey is copied from the name of the TopologicalNode or the ConnectivityNode (respectively in NODE-BREAKER or BUS-BRANCH) inside boundaries.

If the PowerTransformer is finally mapped to a PowSyBl HalfLine, its attributes are calculated using a standard \(\pi\) model with distributed parameters.

PowerTransformer with three PowerTransformerEnds

A CGMES PowerTransformer with three PowerTransformerEnds is mapped to a PowSyBl ThreeWindingsTransformer. Please note that in this case, if PowerTransformerEnds are in different substations, the substations are merged into one.

For more information about this conversion, please look at the classes InterpretedT3xModel and ConvertedT3xModel.


CGMES SeriesCompensators represent series capacitors or reactors or AC transmission lines without charging susceptance.

If a CGMES SeriesCompensator has both its ends inside the same voltage level, it is mapped to a PowSyBl Switch. In this case, all its CGMES electrical attributes are ignored. It is considered as closed, fictitious and, if it is in a node-breaker voltage level, retained. Its SwitchKind is BREAKER.

If a CGMES SeriesCompensator has its ends inside different voltage levels, it is mapped to a PowSyBl Line with attributes as described below:

  • R is copied from CGMES r
  • X is copied from CGMES x
  • G1, G2, B1 and B2 are set to 0


CGMES StaticVarCompensators represent a facility for providing variable and controllable shunt reactive power.

A CGMES StaticVarCompensator is mapped to a PowSyBl StaticVarCompensator with attributes as described below:

  • Bmin is calculated from CGMES inductiveRating: if it is defined and not equals to 0, Bmin is 1 / inductiveRating. Else, it is -Double.MAX_VALUE.
  • Bmax is calculated from CGMES capacitiveRating: if it defined and not equals to 0, Bmax is 1 / capacitiveRating. Else, it is Double.MAX_VALUE.

A PowSyBl VoltagePerReactivePowerControl extension is also created from the CGMES StaticVarCompensator and linked to the PowSyBl StaticVarCompensator with its slope attribute copied from CGMES slope if the latter is 0 or positive.

TODO regulation

Switch (Switch, Breaker, Disconnector, LoadBreakSwitch, ProtectedSwitch, GroundDisconnector)

CGMES Switches, Breakers, Disconnectors, LoadBreakSwitches, ProtectedSwitches and GroundDisconnectors are all imported in the same manner. For convenience purpose, we will now use CGMES Switch as a say but keep in mind that this section is valid for all these CGMES classes.

If the CGMES Switch has its ends both inside the same voltage level, it is mapped to a PowSyBl Switch with attributes as described below:

  • SwitchKind is defined depending on the CGMES class
    • If it is a CGMES Breaker, it is BREAKER
    • If it is a CGMES Disconnector, it is DISCONNECTOR
    • If it is a CGMES LoadBreakSwitch, it is LOAD_BREAK_SWITCH
    • Otherwise, it is BREAKER
  • Retained is copied from CGMES retained if defined in node-breaker. Else, it is false.
  • Open is copied from CGMES SSH open if defined. Else, it is copied from CGMES normalOpen. If neither are defined, it is false.

If the CGMES Switch has its ends in different voltage levels inside the same IGM, it is mapped to a Switch but the voltage levels, and potentially the substations, that contain its ends are merged: they are mapped to only one voltage level and/or substation. The created PowSyBl Switch has its attributes defined as described above.

If the Switch has one side inside the boundary area and the other side outside the boundary area, the importer checks if another branch is connected to the same CGMES TopologicalNode in the boundary area.

  • If there is no other branch connected to this TopologicalNode, it will be mapped to a PowSyBl DanglingLine.
  • If there are one or more other branches connected to this TopologicalNode and they all are in the same SubGeographicalRegion, they will all be mapped to PowSyBl DanglingLines.
  • If there is exactly one other branch connected to this TopologicalNode in another SubGeographicalRegion, they will both be mapped to PowSyBl HalfLines, which are part of the same PowSyBl TieLine.
  • If there are two or more other branches connected to this TopologicalNode in different SubGeographicalRegions:
    • If there are only two branches with their boundary terminal connected and in different SubGeographicalRegion, they will both mapped to PowSyBl HalfLines, which are part of the same PowSyBl TieLine and all other EquivalentBranches will be mapped to PowSyBl DanglingLines.
    • Otherwise, they will all be mapped to PowSyBl DanglingLines.

If the CGMES Switch is mapped to a PowSyBl DanglingLine, its attributes are as described below:

  • R, X, G, B are 0.0;
  • PairingKey is copied from the name of the TopologicalNode or the ConnectivityNode (respectively in NODE-BREAKER or BUS-BRANCH) inside boundaries;
  • P0 is copied from CGMES P of the terminal at boundary side;
  • Q0 is copied from CGMES Q of the terminal at boundary side


The CIM-CGMES format contains more information than what the iidm grid model needs for calculation. The additional data, that are needed to export a network in CIM-CGMES format, are stored in several extensions.

CIM-CGMES control areas

This extension models all the control areas contained in the network as modeled in CIM-CGMES.

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
CGMES control areas Collection<CgmesControlArea> - no - The list of control areas in the network

CGMES control area

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
ID String - yes - The ID of the control area
name String - no - The name of the control area
Energy Identification Code (EIC) String - no - The EIC control area
net interchange double - no - The net interchange of the control area (at its borders)
terminals Terminal - no - Terminals at the border of the control area
boundaries Boundary - no - Boundaries at the border of the control area

It is possible to retrieve a control area by its ID. It is also possible to iterate through all control areas.

This extension is provided by the com.powsybl:powsybl-cgmes-extensions module.

CIM-CGMES dangling line boundary node

This extension is used to add some CIM-CGMES characteristics to dangling lines.

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
hvdc status boolean - no false Indicates if the boundary line is associated with a DC Xnode or not
Line Energy Identification Code (EIC) String - no - The EIC of the boundary line if it exists

This extension is provided by the com.powsybl:powsybl-cgmes-extensions module.

CIM-CGMES line boundary node

This extension is used to add some CIM-CGMES characteristics to tie lines.

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
hvdc status boolean - no false Indicates if the boundary line is associated with a DC Xnode or not
Line Energy Identification Code (EIC) String - no - The EIC of the boundary line EIC if it exists

This extension is provided by the com.powsybl:powsybl-cgmes-extensions module.

CIM-CGMES Tap Changers


CIM-CGMES SSH metadata


CIM-CGMES SV metadata


CIM characteristics



These properties can be defined in the configuration file in the import-export-parameters-default-value module.

Optional property that defines the directory path where the CGMES importer can find the boundary files (EQBD and TPBD profiles) if they are not present in the imported zip file. By default, its value is <ITOOLS_CONFIG_DIR>/CGMES/boundary. This property can also be used at CGMES export if the network was not imported from a CGMES to indicate the boundary files that should be used for reference.

Optional property that defines if the equipment located inside the boundary are imported as part of the network. Used for debugging purposes. false by default.

Optional property that defines if SvInjection objects are converted to IIDM loads. true by default.

iidm.import.cgmes.create-active-power-control-extension Optional property that defines if active power control extensions are created for the converted generators. true by default. If true, the extension will created for the CGMES SynchronousMachines with the attribute normalPF defined. For these generators, the normalPF value will be saved as the participationFactor and the flag participate set to true.

Optional property that defines if the CGMES importer creates an IIDM Busbar Section for each CGMES connectivity node. Used for debugging purposes. false by default.

Optional property that defines if fictitious switches are created when terminals are disconnected in CGMES node-breaker networks. Three modes are available:

  • ALWAYS: fictitious switches are created at every disconnected terminal.
  • ALWAYS_EXCEPT_SWITCHES: fictitious switches are created at every disconnected terminal that is not a terminal of a switch.
  • NEVER: no fictitious switches are created at disconnected terminals.

The default value is ALWAYS.

Optional property that defines if identifiers containing escaped characters are decoded when CGMES files are read. true by default.

Optional property that defines if IDs’ and aliases’ unicity is ensured during CGMES import. If it is set to true, identical CGMES IDs will be modified to be unique. If it is set to false, identical CGMES IDs will throw an exception. false by default.

Optional property that defines if control areas must be imported or not. true by default.

Optional property that defines which naming strategy is used to transform GMES identifiers to IIDM identifiers. Currently, all naming strategies assign CGMES Ids directly to IIDM Ids during import, without any transformation. The default value is identity.
Optional property that defines all the CGMES post-processors which will be activated after import. By default, it is an empty list. One implementation of such a post-processor is available in PowSyBl in the powsybl-diagram repository, named CgmesDLImportPostProcessor.

Optional property that defines which Triplestore implementation is used. Currently, PowSyBl only supports RDF4J. rdf4j by default.

Optional property that defines which CGMES profile is used to initialize tap positions and section counts. It can be SSH or SV. The default value is SSH.

Optional property that defines if IIDM IDs must be obtained from the CGMES mRID (master resource identifier) or the CGMES rdfID (Resource Description Framework identifier). The default value is mRID.
Optional property that defines if the whole CGMES model is stored in the imported IIDM network as an extension. The default value is true.
Optional property that defines if the CGMES conversion context will be stored as an extension of the IIDM output network. It is useful for external validation of the mapping made between CGMES and IIDM. Its default value is false.

Optional property that forces CGMES model to be in topology bus/breaker in IIDM. This is a key feature when some models do not have all the breakers to connect and disconnect equipments in IIDM. In bus/breaker topology, connect and disconnect equipment only rely on terminal statuses and not on breakers. Its default value is false.

Optional property used at CGMES import that disconnects the IIDM dangling line if in the CGMES model the line is open at the boundary side. As IIDM does not have any equivalence for that, this is an approximation. Its default value is false.

Optional property used when in operational limits, temporary limits are present and the permanent limit is missing as it is forbidden in IIDM. The missing permanent limit is equal to a percentage of the lowest temporary limit, with the percentage defined by the value of this property if present, 100 by default.

Optional property to define if subnetworks must be added to the network when importing a Common Grid Model (CGM). Each subnetwork will model an Individual Grid Model (IGM). By default true: subnetworks are added, and the merging is done at IIDM level, with a main IIDM network representing the CGM and containing a set of subnetworks, one for each IGM. If the value is set to false all the CGMES data will be flattened in a single network and information about the ownership of each equipment will be lost.

If iidm.import.cgmes.cgm-with-subnetworks is set to true, use this property to specify how the set of input files should be split by IGM: based on their filenames (use the value FILENAME) or by its modeling authority, read from the header (use the value MODELING_AUTHORITY).

CGMES post-processors


This post-processor loads the diagram layout (DL) profile contained in the CGMES file, if available, into the triplestore. The diagram layout profile contains the data which is necessary to represent a drawing of the diagram corresponding to the CGMES file. For instance, it contains the position of all equipments.

This post-processor is enabled by adding the name cgmesDLImport to the list associated to property.













Please note that PowSyBl only ever export CGMES networks as CGMES Node/Breaker networks without consideration of the topology level of the PowSyBl network.

Conversion from PowSyBl grid model to CGMES

The following sections describe in detail how each supported PowSyBl network model object is converted to CGMES network components.


PowSyBl Batteries are exported as CGMES SynchronousMachine with CGMES HydroGeneratingUnits.

TODO details


PowSyBl BusbarSections are exported as CGMES BusbarSections.

TODO details


PowSyBl DanglingLines are exported as several CGMES network component. Each dangling line will be exported as one CGMES EquivalentInjection and one CGMES ACLineSegment.

TODO details


PowSyBl Generators are exported as CGMES SynchronousMachines.

TODO details

HVDC line and HVDC converter stations

A PowSyBl HVDCLine and its two HVDCConverterStations are exported as a CGMES DCLineSegment and two CGMES DCConverterUnits.

TODO details


PowSyBl Lines are exported as CGMES ACLineSegment.

TODO details


PowSyBl Loads are exported as CGMES ConformLoads, NonConformLoads or EnergyConsumers depending on the extension LoadDetail.

TODO details

Shunt compensator

PowSyBl ShuntCompensators are exported as CGMES LinearShuntCompensator or NonlinearShuntCompensator depending on their models.

TODO details


PowSyBl StaticVarCompensators are exported as CGMES StaticVarCompensators.

TODO details


PowSyBl Substations are exported as CGMES Substations.

TODO details


PowSyBl Switches are exported as CGMES Breakers, Disconnectors or LoadBreakSwitches depending on its SwitchKind.

TODO details


PowSyBl ThreeWindingsTransformers are exported as CGMES PowerTransformers with three CGMES PowerTransformerEnds. TODO details


PowSyBl TwoWindingsTransformers are exported as CGMES PowerTransformers with two CGMES PowerTransformerEnds.

TODO details

Voltage level

PowSybl VoltatgeLevels are exported as CGMES VoltageLevels.

TODO details


Control areas

PowSyBl ControlAreas are exported as CGMES ControlAreas.

TODO details


These properties can be defined in the configuration file in the import-export-parameters-default-value module.

Optional property that defines the base name of the exported files. Exported CGMES files’ names will look like this:


By default, the base name is the network’s name if it exists, or else the network’s ID.

Optional property that defines the ID of the EQ-BD model if there is any. Its default value is null: we consider there is no EQ-BD model to consider. If this property is defined, then this ID will be written in the header of the exported EQ file.

Optional property that defines the ID of the TP-BD model if there is any. Its default value is null: we consider there is no TP-BD model to consider. If this property is defined, then this ID will be written in the header of the exported SV file.

Optional property that defines the CIM version number in which the user wants the CGMES files to be exported. CIM versions 14, 16 and 100 are supported i.e. its valid values are 14, 16 and 100. If not defined, and the network has the extension CimCharacteristics, the CIM version will be the one indicated in the extension. If not, its default value is 16. CIM version 16 corresponds to CGMES 2.4.15. CIM version 100 corresponds to CGMES 3.0.

Optional property that must be used if IIDM IDs that are not compliant with CGMES requirements are to be used as CGMES IDs. true by default. Used for debugging purposes.

Optional property that defines if power flows at boundary nodes are to be exported in the SV file or not. true by default.

Optional property that defines if power flows of switches are exported in the SV file. true by default.

Optional property that defines which naming strategy is used to transform IIDM identifiers to CGMES identifiers. It can be:

  • identity: CGMES IDs are the same as IIDM IDs.
  • cgmes: new CGMES IDs (new master resource identifiers, cim:mRID) are created for IIDM Identifiables if the IIDM IDs are not compliant with CGMES requirements.
  • cgmes-fix-all-invalid-ids: ensures that all CGMES IDs in the export will comply with CGMES requirements, for IIDM Identifiablesand also for its related objects (tap changers, operational limits, regulating controls, reactive capability curves, …). Its default value is identity.

Optional property related to the naming strategy specified in iidm.export.cgmes.naming-strategy. When new CGMES IDs have to be generated, a mechanism that ensures creation of new, stable identifiers based on IIDM IDs is used (see RFC 4122). These new IDs are guaranteed to be unique inside a namespace given by this UUID. By default, it is the name-based UUID fo the text “” in the empty namespace.

Optional property that determines which instance files will be exported. By default, it is a full CGMES export: the instance files for the profiles EQ, TP, SSH and SV are exported.

Optional property allowing to write a custom modeling authority set in the exported file headers. by default. If a Boundary set is given with the property iidm.import.cgmes.boundary-location and the network sourcing actor is found inside it, then the modeling authority set will be obtained from the boundary file without the need to set this property. The sourcing actor can be specified using the parameter iidm.export.cgmes.sourcing-actor.

Optional property allowing to write a custom model description in the file headers. By default, the model description is EQ model for the EQ file, TP model for the TP file, SSH model for the SSH file and SV model for the SV file.

Optional property defining whether the transformers should be exported with the highest voltage at end 1, even if it might not be the case in the IIDM model. This property is set to false by default.

Optional property that indicates whether the loadflow status (converged or diverged) should be written for the TopologicalIslands in the SV file. If true, the status will be computed by checking, for every bus, if the voltage and angle are valid, and if the bus is respecting Kirchhoff’s first law. For the latter, we check that the sums of active power and reactive power at the bus are higher than a threshold defined by the properties iidm.export.cgmes.max-p-mismatch-converged and iidm.export.cgmes.max-q-mismatch-converged. This property is set to true by default.

Optional property that defines the threshold below which a bus is considered to be balanced for the load flow status of the TopologicalIsland in active power. If the sum of all the active power of the terminals connected to the bus is greater than this threshold, then the load flow is considered to be divergent. Its default value is 0.1, and it should be used only if the iidm.export.cgmes.export-load-flow-status property is set to true.

Optional property that defines the threshold below which a bus is considered to be balanced for the load flow status of the TopologicalIsland in reactive power. If the sum of all the reactive power of the terminals connected to the bus is greater than this threshold, then the load flow is considered to be divergent. Its default value is 0.1, and it should be used only if the iidm.export.cgmes.export-load-flow-status property is set to true.

Optional property to specify if the total mismatch left after power flow calculation at IIDM slack buses should be exported as an SvInjection. This property is set to true by default.

Optional property allowing to specify a custom sourcing actor. If a Boundary set with reference data is provided for the export through the parameter iidm.import.cgmes.boundary-location, the value of this property will be used to look for the modelling authority set and the geographical region to be used in the export. No default value is given. If this property is not given, the export process will still try to determine the sourcing actor from the IIDM network if it only contains one country.

Optional property defining the version of the exported CGMES file. It will be used if the version is not already available in the network. The version will be written in the header of each exported file and will also be used to generate a unique UUID for the FullModel field. Its default value is 1.
The business process in which the export takes place. This is used to generate unique UUIDs for the EQ, TP, SSH and SV file FullModel. Its default value is 1D.

Note that if you are exporting a network that does not come from CGMES, you can use the iidm.import.cgmes.boundary-location property to define the location of the boundary files to use as reference.


Have a look to the CGMES sample files from ENTSO-E Test Configurations for Conformity Assessment Scheme v2.0.