Metrix simulation


To launch a Metrix simulation, you need:

Module configuration

The module must be configured with following properties (only a few are required):

    home-dir: "<PATH_TO_METRIX_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY>" # required

    iidm-export-version: "1.5" # default to latest available version
    constant-loss-factor: false # enable constant loss factor
    chunk-size: 10 # size of the batch processed by Metrix
    result-limit: 10000 # max allowed output count
    debug: false # enable debug mode
    log-level: 2 # Metrix log level, available values: 0 (trace), 1 (debug), 2 (info), 3 (warn), 4 (error), 5 (critical)
    debug-log-level: 0 # Metrix log level when debug mode is enabled, available values: 0 (trace), 1 (debug), 2 (info), 3 (warn), 4 (error), 5 (critical)

    tolerance-threshold: 0.0001f

    computation-type: LF # default computation type    
    loss-factor: 0f # default loss factor value
    nominal-u: 100 # default nominal U

Configuration DSL

As many of Powsybl tools scripts, this DSL is based on the groovy language. It describes the general configuration of the solver and indicates which network elements have to be monitored and controlled.

General parameters

There is a lot of tunable parameters that will be briefly describe inline. Yet the most important one is the computationType which determines which kind of computation will be operated:

  • LF the LOAD FLOW mode is a basic network flow simulation, production and consumption are fixed and Metrix simulator returns the flow on the lines of the network.
  • OPF_WITHOUT_REDISPATCHING in this mode, Metrix simulator is allowed to use some actions (topological actions, use of phase tap changers, HVDC lines) to minimize constraints.
  • OPF in OPTIMAL POWER FLOW mode, Metrix simulator will leverage all available actions (that of the previous mode plus generator and load dispatching) to minimize constraints at best cost. If no solution is found, the program will exit with error code 1.

All parameters are optional:

parameters {
  adequacyCostOffset // (0) : enable to define an identical cost change for all generators in the balancing step to avoid unrealistic opportunities
  analogousRemedialActionDetection // (false) detect similar topology remedial actions. Allow to improve the speed of the simulation but can hide non strictly equivalent remedial actions. 
  computationType // (LF) Simulation Mode : LF, OPF_WITHOUT_REDISPATCHING, OPF
  contingenciesProbability // (0.001) Contingency probability  
  gapVariableCost // (10) Gap variable cost
  hvdcCostPenality // (0.01) Penality cost for HVDC usage 
  lossDetailPerCountry // (false) Output the loss detail per country
  lossOfLoadCost // (13000) Cost of the load shedding
  marginalVariationsOnBranches // (false) Output the marginal variation on branches
  marginalVariationsOnHvdc // (false) Output the marginal variation on HVDC
  maxSolverTime // (0) Max time allowed to solve one micro-iteration (0 is infinite)
  nbMaxIteration // (30) Max number of micro-iterations per variation
  nbMaxCurativeAction // (-1) Max number of remedial actions per contingency (-1 is infinite)
  nbThreatResults // (1) Number of N-k results to output  
  outagesBreakingConnexity // (false) : allow to simulate the outages that breaks network connectivity (automatically set to true if propagateBranchTripping is set)
  overloadResultsOnly // (false) Only output results on constrained items  
  preCurativeResults // (false) Use the threshold value before remedial actions (automatically activated if a threshold before action is filled in)
  propagateBranchTripping // (false) Propagate contingencies if no breaker is present
  pstCostPenality // (0.001) Penality cost of the PST usage
  redispatchingCostOffset // (0) : enable to define an identical cost change for all generators in the redispatching step to avoid unrealistic opportunities
  remedialActionsBreakingConnexity // (false) Allow remedial actions to cut pockets  
  withAdequacyResults // (false) Outputs for the initial balancing step
  withRedispatchingResults // (false) Detailed outputs for the preventive and curative redispatching steps

Since there is default value for each parameters, only useful parameters can be filled in. For instance:

parameters {
  nbMaxCurativeAction 3
  preCurativeResults true
  withAdequacyResults true
  nbThreatResults 5

Note that to use a negative value, you must surround it with parenthesis, eg: maxCurativeAction: (-1).

Monitored branches and observed branches

There is a distinction between monitored branches where Metrix will take action to enforce threshold limits and the observed branches where we only want the resulting flow values. Note that in the LF (Load Flow) mode, there is no difference between monitored elements and observed elements.

To indicate that a element should be monitored we have to define thresholds in MW. It can be a time series name (defined in the mapping script provided) or an fixed value (constant time series). The branchRatingsBaseCase parameter will contain the threshold for the base case (also called network N), the branchRatingsBeforeCurative and branchRatingsOnContingency parameters will contain the threshold to be used for the post-contingency state (also called network N-k) respectively before and after remedial actions. Threshold can be defined with a direction constraint with default being the origin to end direction (the opposite direction is specified with the same parameter name followed by EndOr). Origin is the node corresponding to voltageLevelId1 in the network file.

The syntax to define monitored/observed elements (called component below) is :

branch('component_id') { // component_id is the string id of the element as found in the IIDM network file
   baseCaseFlowResults true // true if we want to "observe" the component
   maxThreatFlowResults true // true to have the maximum contingency threat and related flow result 
   contingencyFlowResults 'a', 'b'// contingency list for which we want the flow result
   branchRatingsBaseCase 'tsName' // to "monitor" the branch, can be a fixed value or a named time series (here in the example, a named time series)
   branchRatingsBaseCaseEndOr 'tsName' // to "monitor" the branch with a threshold in direction End->Origin, can be a fixed value or a named time series (here in the example, a named time series)
   branchRatingsOnContingency 'tsName' // to "monitor" the branch in N-k, can be a fixed value or a named time series (here in the example, a named time series)
   branchRatingsOnContingencyEndOr 'tsName' // to "monitor" the branch in N-k with a threshold in direction End->Origin, can be a fixed value or a named time series (here in the example, a named time series)
   branchRatingsBeforeCurative 100 // to "monitor" the branch in N-k before remedial actions, can be a fixed value or a named time series (here in the example, a fixed value)
   branchRatingsOnSpecificContingency 100 // to "monitor" the branch in N-k with specified contingencies list, can be a fixed value or a named time series (here in the example, a fixed value)
   branchRatingsBeforeCurativeOnSpecificContingency 100 // to "monitor" the branch in N-k before remedial actions with specified contingencies list, can be a fixed value or a named time series (here in the example, a fixed value)
   contingencyDetailedMarginalVariations 'a', 'b'// contingency list for which we want the marginal variation flow result
   branchAnalysisRatingsBaseCase 'tsName' // to "observe" a branch in base case with a threshold for postprocessing results
   branchAnalysisRatingsBaseCaseEndOr 'tsName' // to "observe" a branch in base case with a threshold in direction End->Origin
   branchAnalysisRatingsOnContingency 'tsName' // to "observe" a branch in N-1 with a threshold
   branchAnalysisRatingsOnContingencyEndOr 'tsName' // to "observe" a branch in N-1 with a threshold in direction End->Origin

Note that monitored branches (when branchRatingsXXX is specified) automatically provides resulting flows (when baseCaseFlowResults is true). If no branch is monitored, then Metrix does not compute anything beside balance adjustment phase. HVDC lines cannot be monitored. Flows for HVDC lines in AC emulation mode are always provided, alongside their optimized tuning.


To monitor branches on base case and on post-contingency states with a threshold of 100 MW:


for (branchId in branchList) {
  branch(branchId) {
   baseCaseFlowResults true 
   maxThreatFlowResults true 
   branchRatingsBaseCase 100
   branchRatingsOnContingency 100



allBranchList = network.branches.collect{} // retrieve all branches from network
for (branchId in monitoredBranchList) {
  if (allBranchList.contains(branchId)) {
     branch(branchId) {
        baseCaseFlowResults true 
        maxThreatFlowResults true 

To gather the flow result of every 400 kV lines and transformers in base case and in post-contingency states:

for (l in network.branches) {
  if (l.terminal1.voltageLevel.nominalV >= 380 || l.terminal2.voltageLevel.nominalV >= 380) {
   branch( {
     baseCaseFlowResults true 
     maxThreatFlowResults true

or with more checks:


for (lig in branchList) {

        l = network.getBranch(lig)

        if (l == null) {
                println(lig + " doesn't exist in the network") 

        if (!l.terminal1.isConnected() || !l.terminal2.isConnected()) {
                println( + " is disconnected") 
        branch( {
                baseCaseFlowResults true
                maxThreatFlowResults true

To define the list of contingencies where threshold might be different:

contingencies {
  specificContingencies 'a', 'b', 'c' // Contingency list where special threshold will be applied

The threshold defined for this list is then defined with the keywords branchRatingsOnSpecificContingency or branchRatingsBeforeCurativeOnSpecificContingency

branch("line") {
   branchRatingsBaseCase 100
   branchRatingsOnContingency 100
   branchRatingsOnSpecificContingency 200 // Specific threshold
   branchRatingsBeforeCurativeOnSpecificContingency 300 // Specific threshold before remedial actions


We can define generators whose target can be changed by Metrix:

  • In the adequacy phase to match the production and load
  • In remedial actions to comply with the defined monitored branch thresholds (only in OPF mode)

For this to happen, we must define ramp up/down costs. Metrix will then adapt the setpoints of the cheapest generators to maintain the generation/demand balance (adequacy phase) or resolve the grid constraints (OPF).

To solve grid constraints violations in the OPF, there should be at least two generators for Metrix to be able to decrease or increase production in order to respect active power balance. If no generator is configured to be managed by Metrix, then all generators are implicitly managed with zero cost. Note that Metrix will take into account the Pmin and Pmax values of generators (which can be modified through the mapping script). In the same way than most parameters, the value can be a fixed integer/float or a time series name.

The syntax to define a managed generator is:

generator(id) { // id of the generator which will be managed by Metrix 
  adequacyDownCosts 'ts_cost_down' // Cost of ramping down for the adequacy phase (here a time series name is used) 
  adequacyUpCosts 'ts_cost_up' // Cost of ramping up for the adequacy phase (here a time series name is used) 
  redispatchingDownCosts 10 // Cost of ramping down (preventive) for the OPF simulation (here a fixed value is used)
  redispatchingUpCosts 100 // Cost of ramping up (preventive) for the OPF simulation (here a fixed value is used)
  onContingencies 'a','b' // list of contingencies where Metrix can use this generator in (curative) remedial actions

Metrix optimization aims to limit the deviations with respect to the initial production plan, both for adequacy and redispatch. For this reason, Metrix sees all deviations of the initial production plan (\(|P - P0|\)) as a cost. Therefore, both up and down costs (adequacy and redispatch) should be defined as positive costs. The total generation costs for redispatch seen by Metrix is as follows:

\[\begin{align*} RedispatchCosts = \sum_{g\in Generators} RedispatchUp_g \cdot redispatchUpCosts_g + \sum_{g\in Generators} RedispatchDown_g \cdot redispatchDownCosts_g \end{align*}\]


\(RedispatchUp_g = max(P_g - P0_g, 0)\),

\(RedispatchDown_g = max(P0_g - P_g, 0)\).

It should be noted that this is different from redispatching cost in real systems’ operation, where in case of downwards activations, the generator pays the TSO for the generation reduction (not delivered energy). Moreover, to prioritize topological solutions over redispatch solutions, the redispatching up and down costs have a lower bound of >= 0.5. Metrix will correct any adequacy or redispatch cost below the lower bound, setting it to lower bound value.

Note that if at least one generator is managed, then only defined generators will be managed to match adequacy. In some cases, it could result in a program failure (return code -1) where constraints cannot be resolved in OPF mode. Also:

  • Generators used for the adequacy phase are not necessarily the same used for the redispatching phase. If onContingency isn’t defined but redispatchingCost is, then the generator will be used only in preventive actions. For the generator to be fully used for preventive and curative remedial action, both of these parameters must be defined.
  • Cost must always be defined for both directions. If we want to prevent a generator to ramp up or down, we can set a high prohibitive cost.
  • Rules that take into account Pmax and Pmin are:
    • if the targetP is out of bounds (targetP > Pmax or targetP < Pmin) then targetP is adjusted to the closest bound. This can happen when ignore-limits is set in the mapping script or the tool parameter.
    • during the adequacy phase, the Pmax constraints are enforced but Pmin are temporary set to 0. It results that a (only one at most) generator can have a targetP out of its lower bound (0 < targetP < Pmin).
    • in the redispatching phase, generators with Pmin < targetP < Pmax are enforced between their bounds. If a group have an initial targetP below Pmin, the constraints will be initialTargetP < targetP < Pmax.


To allow the slack generator to ramp:

generator('slack_generator') {
  adequacyDownCosts 0.5
  adequacyUpCosts 0.5
  redispatchingDownCosts 'cost_slack_down'
  redispatchingUpCosts 'cost_slack_up'

To allow generators to ramp depending on zone or type (if these properties exists in IIDM network file):

for (g in network.generators) {
        if (g.terminal.voltageLevel.substation.regionDI=='04' & g.genreCvg=="TAC") {
              generator( {
                redispatchingDownCosts 'cost_TAC_down_AR'
                redispatchingUpCosts 'cost_TAC_up_AR'


Similarly to generators, loads can be adjusted in the OPF simulation (in preventive and curative mode), but only as a decrease. The cost in preventive action is fixed (default 13000 €/MWh) and can be modified in the global parameters with the keyword lossOfLoadCost. We can also override this value for specific loads. The specified cost will automatically be weighted with the contingency probability (default : 10^-3). We can also limit the maximum percentage of load shedding (in preventive and curative mode).

Here is the corresponding syntax:

load(load_id) {
    preventiveSheddingPercentage 20 // shedding max percentage for preventive actions 
    preventiveSheddingCost 10000 // cost for preventive shedding action
    curativeSheddingPercentage 10 // optional shedding max percentage for curative actions
    curativeSheddingCost 40 // optional cost for curative shedding action
    onContingencies 'a', 'b' // optional contingency upon which curative action are operated 

Note that, as generators, if no load is configured then all loads can be used with 100 % shedding capabilities.

Phase-shifting transformer

Phase shifting transformers can be controlled with the following syntax (default mode is fixed tap):

phaseShifter(id) {
  controlType X // control type (see available values below)
  onContingencies 'a','b'... // optional list of contingencies upon which phase shifter control apply in curative mode
  preventiveLowerTapRange X // optional min bound range available for preventive actions
  preventiveUpperTapRange Y // optional max bound range available for curative actions

Control types:

  • FIXED_ANGLE_CONTROL: (default) the original phase tap is fixed
  • OPTIMIZED_ANGLE_CONTROL: can shift to different phase tap to solve constraints
  • CONTROL_OFF: the transformer is deactivated (phase shift is equal to 0)

Note that while the optimization will use phase in a continuous range, Metrix will then find the closest phase tap in the results.


For HVDC line, the syntax is similar to phase tap changers one:

hvdc(id) {
  controlType X // control type (see available values below)
  onContingencies 'a','b' // optional list of contingencies upon which phase shifter control apply in curative mode

Control types:

  • OPTIMIZED: can optimize the p0 target in adequacy phase and preventive (and curative if contingencies were defined)
  • FIXED: the target p0 is fixed

Monitored sections

It is possible to monitor a constraint on a weighted sum of a set of branch flows:

sectionMonitoring(id) { // Nom de la section
  maxFlowN 'ts' // threshold (can be a time series name or a fixed value) 
  branch(id1, 0.5f) // weight assigned to the flow of branch with id id1
  branch(id2, 0.5f) // wiehgt assigned to the flow of branch with id id2
  // ... 

Contingency DSL

Contingencies are specified in an other configuration file. They can represent the loss of one or several network equipments. Every contingency will be simulated.

To define a contingency:

contingency (id) { // name of the contingency
equipments id1,id2...} // elements ids that will be put out of order

Note that to propagate a contingency defined on branches without breaker, the global option propagateBranchTripping can be used to propagate the contingency on connected branches. Contingencies that breaks the network connectivity are ignored unless outagesBreakingConnexity global parameter is set to true. In this case, Metrix will try to reach adequacy using all loads and generators equally and the results will show the cut off equipments. HVDC lines can be tripped off only in a synchronized network.


To define a list of contingency for a list of components:


for (component in components) {
  contingency (component) {equipments component} // the contingency here has the same name as the affected component

and for multiple components:

map_dual_contingencies = [
  "defaut_dbl1":['ouvrage1_id', 'ouvrage2_id'],
  "defaut_dbl2":['ouvrage3_id', 'ouvrage4_id']

map_dual_contingencies.each {name, components ->
  contingency (name) {equipments (*components)}

To simulate every single contingency on the 400 kV network:

for (l in network.lines) {
  if (l.terminal1.voltageLevel.nominalV >= 380) {
     contingency ( {equipments}

Remedial actions

Only defined topological remedial actions can be used by Metrix. They are defined per contingency in an third file with the following syntax. On the first line is the keyword NB followed by the number of remedial actions defined, eg:


Then each line will define a remedial action with:


where EQUIPMENT1_ACTION being the id of a branch or bus coupling. The default action is to open the related breakers. To close a line the + sign must be prepended to the branch id.

Remedial action can be limited to specific branch constraints with:


where BRANCH_CONSTRAINT_1 should be the id of a monitored component (onBranchRatingContingencies).

Note that Metrix won’t combine multiple defined remedial actions set, each line is tried independently.These topological actions may be combined with generators/loads/phase tap changers/… optimizations. If several actions are equivalents, the first defined one will be used.



Using a lot of remedial actions will increase the simulation duration, especially with numerous alternatives for a same contingency. The option analogousRemedialActionDetection may detect equivalent remedial actions and speed up the process. They will be indicated in logs.

Binding constraints

Finally, we can define binding constraints between some variables so to force them to vary along. Each item of the binding constraint set will then vary proportionally to a reference variable.

For generators, the syntax is:

generatorsGroup("name of the set") {
  filter { == ... } // filter generators
  referenceVariable PMAX // reference variable (default is PMAX), other values can be PMIN, POBJ, PMAX_MINUS_POBJ

For loads, the only reference variable is the initial load:

loadsGroup("name of the sed") {
  filter { == ... } // filter loads

Note that if one of the item in the set reach its limit (eg. its Pmax), no further variation can be made on other items.


All outputs of Metrix are time series that will be stored in a single file.

Simulation result

The time series ERROR_CODE reports the exit value of the Metrix computation process, 0 being the standard OK. Any other value will hint toward one of the following issues :

  • 1 : No solution was found
  • 2 : The maximum number of constraints was reached
  • 3 : The maximum of micro iteration was reached (can be increased with global parameter nbMaxIteration)
  • 4 : Ignored variant (when input isn’t consistent)

Global results

LOSSES total losses (in MW) (for all synchronous components)

LOSSES_country total losses per country (in MW) (only available if option lossDetailPerCountry is enabled)

LOSSES_hvdc total losses for HVDC (in MW) (only available if option lossDetailPerCountry is enabled)

OVERLOAD_BASECASE sum of threshold overage on monitored components in base case (en MW)

OVERLOAD_OUTAGES sum of threshold overage on monitored components for all defined contingencies (en MW)

GEN_COST total cost of generator redispatching in preventive actions. It should be noted that as redispatching costs Up and Down are seen as positive costs for the system in Metrix, this computed cost does not represent the actual cost for the TSO.

GEN_CUR_COST total cost of generator redispatching in curative actions

LOAD_COST total cost of preventive load shedding

LOAD_CUR_COST total cost of curative load shedding

basecaseLoad_branchId load percentage (the flow divided by the threshold)

basecaseOverload_branchId overload flow (difference between flow and threshold if greater than threshold)

outageLoad_branchId load percentage for N-1 (the flow divided by the N-1 threshold)

outageOverload_branchId overload flow for N-1 (difference between flow and N-1 threshold if greater than threshold)

overallOverload_branchID sum of base case and outage overload values

Load flow results

FLOW_branchId flow in base case (in MW)

FLOW_branchId_contingencyId flow for a specific contingency outage (when using the option contingencyFlowResults)

MAX_THREAT_index_FLOW_branchId (index-th) maximum flow (in MW) on branch after contingencies (default only index 1 is returned but may be increased using option nbMaxThreat)

MAX_THREAT_index_NAME_branchId id of the contingency that caused the maximum flow for specified index (see previous result time series)

MAX_TMP_THREAT_FLOW_branchId maximum flow on branch after contingency and before remedial action (if option preCurativeResults is enabled)

MAX_TMP_THREAT_NAME_branchId id of the contingency that caused the maximum flow after contingency and before remedial action (see previous result time series)

Adequacy results

INIT_BAL_AREA_X initial difference between load and production (in MW) for synchronous zone X before adequacy phase

With option withAdequacyResults:

INIT_BAL_GEN_generator if not nul, the MW adjustement for the generator in the adequacy phase

INIT_BAL_LOAD_node if not nul, load shedding for node (en MW) in the adequacy phase

With option outagesBreakingConnexity or remedialActionsBreakingConnexity:

LOST_LOAD_contingencyId total load loss (in MW) when network connectivity is broken

LOST_LOAD_BEFORE_CURATIVE_contingencyId total load loss (in MW) when network connectivity is broken (before remedial actions)

LOST_GEN_contingencyId total production loss (in MW) when network connectivity is broken

Preventive actions results

PST_pstId angle value for phase shift if different of initial value

PST_TAP phase shifting tap if different of initial value

HVDC_hvdcId p0 value (in MW) for the HVDC if different of initial value

GEN_VOL_DOWN_genType total volume (in MW) of decreased production for generator of type genType

GEN_VOL_UP_genType total volume (in MW) of increased production for generator of type genType

GEN_genId variation of targetP for a generator in preventive actions (in MW) (if not nul and if option withRedispatchingResults is enabled)

LOAD_loadId shedding volume (in MW) for a load in remedial actions

Curative actions results

PST_CUR_pstId_contingencyId angle value for phase shift if different of preventive action value

PST_CUR_TAP phase shifting tap for the curative angle value (previous time series)

HVDC_CUR_hvdc_contingencyId p0 value (in MW) for the HVDC if different of initial value

GEN_CUR_VOL_DOWN_genType total volume (in MW) of decreased production on the maximal threat contingency for generator of type genType

GEN_CUR_VOL_UP_genType total volume (in MW) of increased production on the maximal threat contingency for generator of type genType

GEN_CUR_generator_contingencyId variation of production (in MW) for the generator under the specified contingency (if different of the preventive value and if option withRedispatchingResults is enabled)

LOAD_CUR_load_contingencyId shedding volume (in MW) of a load under the specified contingency (if different of the preventive value)

TOPOLOGY_contingencyId topological remedial action chosen for the specified contingency

Marginal variation results

The following results will be produced when option marginalVariationsOnBranches is enabled.

MV_branchId theoretical effect on the cost function if the threshold were to be increase of 1 MW on the branch

MV_branchId_contingencyId theoretical effect on the cost function if the threshold were to be increase of 1 MW on the branch under contingency

With option contingencyDetailedMarginalVariations:

MV_POW_branchId_equipmentId load variation on generator or load equipmentId to obtain a 1 MW increase on branch

MV_POW_branchId_contingencyId_equipmentId load variation on generator or load equipmentId to obtain a 1 MW increase on branch after contingency

MV_COST_branchId_equipmentId cost variation on generator or load equipmentId to obtain a 1 MW increase on branch

MV_COST_branchId_contingencyId_equipmentId cost variation on generator or load equipmentId to obtain a 1 MW increase on branch after contingency

Binding constraints results

GEN_setId sum of variations on the binding constraint set (in MW)

LOAD_setId sum of load shedding variations on the binding constraint set (in MW)