Short circuit API


When a short circuit occurs in a network, the currents on equipment can be so high that they exceed their rated values. Simulating faults on the network is important to verify that the short circuits are well detected and do not damage the equipments.

The short-circuit API allows the calculation of currents and voltages on a network after a fault. A first implementation of the API is available in powsybl-incubator.


Available parameters

The parameters to be used for the short-circuit calculation should be defined in the config.yml file. For example, here are some valid short-circuit parameters:

  with-voltage-result: false
  with-feeder-result: true
  with-limit-violations: true
  study-type: TRANSIENT
  with-fortescue-result: false
  min-voltage-drop-proportional-threshold: 20
  with-loads: true
  with-shunt-compensators: true
  with-vsc-converter-stations: false
  with-neutral-position: true
  initial-voltage-profile-mode: CONFIGURED
  voltage-ranges: /path/to/voltage/ranges/file

Available parameters in the short-circuit API are stored in com.powsybl.shortcircuit.ShortCircuitParameters. They are all optional.


This property indicates whether limit violations should be returned after the computation. The violations that should be used are LOW_SHORT_CIRCUIT_CURRENT and HIGH_SHORT_CIRCUIT_CURRENT. It can be used to filter results where the computed short-circuit current is too high or too low. The default value is true.


This property indicates if the computed results, like currents and voltages, should be returned only in three-phased magnitude or detailed with magnitude and angle on each phase. According to this property, different classes to return results can be used. If it is set to false, the classes MagnitudeFaultResult, MagnitudeFeederResult and MagnitudeShortCircuitBusResult should be used. If the property is true, the classes FortescueFaultResult, FortescueFeederResult and FortescueShortCircuitBusResult should be used. All these classes are in com.powsybl.shortcircuit. The default value is true.


This property indicates if the contributions of each feeder to the short-circuit current at the fault should be computed. If the property is set to true, the results can be stored in class com.powsybl.shortcircuit.FeederResult. The default value is true.


This property indicates the type of short-circuit study. It can be:

  • SUB_TRANSIENT: it is the first stage of the short circuit, right when the fault happens. In this case, it is the sub-transient reactance of generators that is used. This reactance can either be stored in the network or calculated from the transient reactance of generators with a coefficient defined by the parameter sub-transient-coefficient.
  • TRANSIENT: the second stage of the short circuit, before the system stabilizes. The transient reactance of generators will be used.
  • STEADY_STATE: the last stage, once all transient effects are gone.

The default value is TRANSIENT. The transient and sub-transient reactance of the generators are stored in the short-circuit generator extension.


This property allows to define an optional coefficient, in case of a sub-transient study, to apply to the transient reactance of generators to get the sub-transient one:

\[X''_d = c \times X'_d\]


  • \(X''_d\): the sub-transient reactance
  • \(c\): the sub-transient coefficient defined in this property
  • \(X'_d\): the transient reactance

By default, the value of the coefficient is 0.7, and it should not be higher than 1.


This property indicates if the voltage profile should be computed on every node of the network. The results, if this property is true, should be stored in class com.powsybl.shortcircuit.ShortCircuitBusResult. The default value is true.


This property indicates a threshold to filter the voltage results. Thus, it only makes sense if with-voltage-result is set to true. Only the nodes where the voltage drop due to the short circuit in absolute value is above this property are kept. The voltage drop is calculated as the ratio between the initial voltage magnitude on the node and the voltage magnitude on the node after the fault. The default value is 0.


This property indicates whether loads should be taken into account during the calculation. If true, the loads are modelled as an equivalent reactance and the equivalent reactance at the fault point will be lowered. If false, then they will be ignored.


This property indicates if shunt compensators should be taken into account during the computation. If true, the shunt compensators will be modelled as an equivalent reactance. If false, then the shunt compensators will be ignored.


This property is a boolean property that indicates whether the VSC converter stations should be included in the calculation. If true, the VSC converter stations will be modeled as an equivalent reactance. If false, they will be ignored.


This property indicates which position of the tap changer of transformers should be used for the calculation. If true, the neutral step of the tap changer is used. The neutral step is the one for which \(\rho = 1\) and \(\alpha = 0\). If false, then the step that is in the model will be used. By default, this property is set to false. For more information about tap changers, see the documentation about it.


This property defines the voltage profile that should be used for the calculation. Three options are available:

  • NOMINAL: the nominal voltage profile is used for the calculation
  • PREVIOUS: the voltage profile from the load flow is used for the calculation
  • CONFIGURED: the voltage profile is specified by the user In the case of CONFIGURED voltage profile, ranges of nominal voltages with multiplicative coefficients must be specified in the voltage-ranges property. By default, the initial voltage profile mode is set to NOMINAL.


This property specifies a path to a JSON file containing the voltage ranges and associated coefficients to be used when initial-voltage-profile-mode is set to CONFIGURED. The JSON file must contain a list of voltage ranges and coefficients. Then, for each nominal voltage in the network that belongs to the range, the given coefficient is applied to calculate the voltage to be used in the calculation. All the coefficients should be between 0.8 and 1.2. Here is an example of this JSON file:

      "minimumNominalVoltage": 350.0, 
      "maximumNominalVoltage": 400.0,
      "voltageRangeCoefficient": 1.1
      "minimumNominalVoltage": 215.0,
      "maximumNominalVoltage": 235.0,
      "voltageRangeCoefficient": 1.2
      "minimumNominalVoltage": 80.0,
      "maximumNominalVoltage": 150.0,
      "voltageRangeCoefficient": 1.05


It is possible to override parameters for each fault by creating an instance of com.powsybl.shortcircuit.FaultParameters. This object will take the fault to which it applies and all the parameters for this specific fault. One FaultParameters corresponds to one Fault. A list of FaultParameters can be given as an input to the API with specific parameters for one or multiple faults. If a fault has no FaultParameters corresponding, then the general parameters will be used.


The API takes as inputs:

A network

It is the network on which the computation will be done.

A list of faults

The API takes as input a list of faults on which the calculation should be done. Faults on buses and on lines are supported. Each fault can either be an instance of com.powsybl.shortcircuit.BusFault or com.powsybl.shortcircuit.BranchFault.

The attributes to fill of a BusFault are:

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
id String - yes - The id of the fault
elementId String - yes - The id of the bus on which the fault will be simulated (bus/view topology)
r double Ω no 0 The fault resistance to ground
x double Ω no 0 The fault reactance to ground
connection ConnectionType - no ConnectionType.SERIES The way the resistance and reactance of the fault are connected to the ground: in series or in parallel
faultType FaultType - no FaultType.THREE_PHASE The type of fault simulated: can be three-phased or single-phased

The attributes to fill of a BranchFault are:

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
id String - yes - The id of the fault
elementId String - yes - The id of the branch on which the fault will be simulated
r double Ω no 0 The fault resistance to ground
x double Ω no 0 The fault reactance to ground
connection ConnectionType - no ConnectionType.SERIES The way the resistance and reactance of the fault are connected to the ground: in series or in parallel
faultType FaultType - no FaultType.THREE_PHASE The type of fault simulated: can be three-phased or single-phased
proportionalLocation double % yes - The position where the fault should be simulated, in percent of the line

A list of FaultParameters

Optionally, it is possible to specify a list of FaultParameters. Each FaultParameter will override the default parameters for a given fault. For more information on parameters, see above.


The results of the short-circuit analysis are stored in com.powsybl.shortcircuit.ShortCircuitAnalysisResult. This class gathers the results for every fault, they are accessible either by the ID of the fault or the ID of the element on which the fault is simulated. For each fault, an object com.powsybl.shortcircuit.FaultResult is returned.

Depending on with-fortescue-result, the returned result should either be an instance of com.powsybl.shortcircuit.MagnitudeFaultResult or com.powsybl.shortcircuit.FortescueFaultResult.

Both classes contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
fault Fault - yes - The fault that was simulated
status Status - yes - The status of the computation, see below for more details
shortCircuitPower double MVA yes - The value of the short-circuit power
timeConstant Duration - yes - The duration before reaching the permanent short-circuit current
feederResults List - no Empty list A list of FeederResult, should not be empty if the parameter with-feeder-result is set to true.
limitViolations List - no Empty list A list of LimitViolation, should be empty if the parameter with-limit-violations is set to false.
shortCircuitBusResults List - no Empty list A list of ShortCircuitBusResult, should be empty if the parameter with-voltage-result is set to false.

However, in these classes, the short-circuit current and voltage are represented differently.

In MagnitudeFaultResult, the additional attributes are:

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
current double A yes - The three-phased magnitude of the computed short-circuit current
voltage double kV yes - The three-phased magnitude of the computed short-circuit voltage

In FortescueFaultResult, they are:

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
current FortescueValue A yes - The magnitude and angle of the computed short-circuit current detailed on the three phases
voltage FortescueValue kV yes - The magnitude and angle of the computed short-circuit voltage detailed on the three phases

The status of the computation

This status can be:

  • SUCCESS: the computation went as planned and the results are full considering the parameters.
  • NO_SHORT_CIRCUIT_DATA: this status should be returned if no short-circuit data are available in the network, i.e. the sub-transient or transient reactance of generators and the minimum and maximum admissible short-circuit currents.
  • SOLVER_FAILURE: the computation failed because of an error linked to the solver.
  • FAILURE: the computation failed for any other reason.


This field contains the contributions of each feeder to the short-circuit current as a list. It should only be returned if with-feeder-result is set to true. Depending on the value of with-fortescue-result, it should be an instance of com.powsybl.shortcircuit.MagnitudeFeederResult or com.powsybl.shortcircuit.FortescueFeederResult.

The attributes of MagnitudeFeederResults are:

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
connectableId String - yes - ID of the feeder
current double A yes - Three-phased current magnitude of the feeder participating to the short-circuit current at the fault point

The attributes of FortescueFeederResuts are:

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
connectableId String - yes - ID of the feeder
current FortescueValue A yes - Current magnitudes and angles on the three phases of the feeder participating to the short-circuit current at the fault point


This field contains a list of all the violations after the fault. This implies to have defined in the network the maximum or the minimum acceptable short-circuit currents on the voltage levels. Then, with comparing to the computed short-circuit current, two types of violations can be created: LOW_SHORT_CIRCUIT_CURRENT and HIGH_SHORT_CIRCUIT_CURRENT. This list should be empty if the property with-limit-violations is set to false.


This field contains a list of voltage results on every bus of the network after simulating the fault. It should be empty if with-voltage-result is set to false. The value of the property with-voltage-drop-threshold allows to filter these results by keeping only those where the voltage drop is higher than this defined threshold. Depending on the value of with-fortescue-result, the list should contain instances of either com.powsybl.shortcircuit.MagnitudeShortCircuitBusResult or com.powsybl.shortcircuit.FortescueShortCircuitBusResult objects.

The attributes of MagnitudeShortCircuitBusResult are:

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
voltageLevelId String - yes - ID of the voltage level containing the bus
busId String - yes - ID of the bus
initialVoltageMagnitude double kV yes - Magnitude of the three-phased voltage before the fault
voltageDropProportional double % yes - Voltage drop after the fault
voltage double kV yes - Magnitude of the three-phased voltage after the fault

The attributes of FortescueShortCircuitBusResult are:

Attribute Type Unit Required Default value Description
voltageLevelId String - yes - ID of the voltage level containing the bus
busId String - yes - ID of the bus
initialVoltageMagnitude double kV yes - Magnitude of the three-phased voltage before the fault
voltageDropProportional double % yes - Voltage drop after the fault
voltage FortescueValue kV yes - Magnitudes and angles of the voltage on the three phases after the fault