Dynawo - Dynamic Models DSL

The Dynamic Models DSL is a domain specific language written in groovy for the association of dynamic models to each static equipment present in the network. If some equipment are not configured, Dynawo would use a default model and set of parameters.


Most of the models supported are BlackBoxModels. This kind of dynamic models have three attributes:

  • staticId refers to the ID of the load in the network.
  • dynamicModelId is an optional attribute to identify this model. By default, it is equal to the staticId.
  • parameterSetId refers a set of parameters for this model in one of the network parameters file.


All the following models are BlackBoxModels you can associate to an IIDM generator. To do so, you have to use their name as a keyword and define at least a staticId and a parameterSetId. Like every other BlackBoxModel, the dynamicModelId is optional and would be equal to the staticId if not set.

Supported models are:

  • GeneratorSynchronousThreeWindings
  • GeneratorSynchronousThreeWindingsProportionalRegulations
  • GeneratorSynchronousFourWindings
  • GeneratorSynchronousFourWindingsProportionalRegulations


GeneratorSynchronousThreeWindings {
    staticId '<GENERATOR_ID>'
    dynamicModelId '<DYNAMIC_MODEL_ID>'
    parameterSetId '<PARAMETER_ID>'
GeneratorSynchronousThreeWindingsProportionalRegulations {
    staticId '<GENERATOR_ID>'
    dynamicModelId '<DYNAMIC_MODEL_ID>'
    parameterSetId '<PARAMETER_ID>'
GeneratorSynchronousFourWindings {
    staticId '<GENERATOR_ID>'
    dynamicModelId '<DYNAMIC_MODEL_ID>'
    parameterSetId '<PARAMETER_ID>'
GeneratorSynchronousFourWindingsProportionalRegulations {
    staticId '<GENERATOR_ID>'
    dynamicModelId '<DYNAMIC_MODEL_ID>'
    parameterSetId '<PARAMETER_ID>'



This is a BlackBoxModel you can associate to an IIDM load. To do so, you have to use the LoadAlphaBeta keyword and define at least a staticId and a parameterSetId. Like every other BlackBoxModel, the dynamicModelId is optional and would be equal to the staticId if not set.


LoadAlphaBeta {
    staticId '<LOAD_ID>'
    dynamicModelId '<DYNAMIC_MODEL_ID>'
    parameterSetId '<PARAMETER_ID>'

Frequency models


This is a model shared by generators with the same frequency reference. To link a generator to the OmegaRef model, use the OmegaRef keyword and assign the generatorModelId attribute to its dynamicModelId value.


OmegaRef {
    generatorModelId '<DYNAMIC_MODEL_ID>'



This is a BlackBoxModel you can associate to an IIDM line or two windings transformer. To do so, you have to use the CurrentLimitAutomaton keyword and define at least a staticId and a parameterSetId. Like every other BlackBoxModel, the dynamicModelId is optional and would be equal to the staticId if not set.

This model has also another required attribute to define which side is monitored.


CurrentLimitAutomaton {
    staticId '<BRANCH_ID>'
    dynamicModelId '<DYNAMIC_MODEL_ID>'
    parameterSetId '<PARAMETER_ID>'
    side '<SIDE>'