
The load-flow-action-simulator module is used by the action-simulator tool if it’s configured to use the LoadFlowActionSimulator implementation.


Use the copy-strategy to define how the action-simulator will store and restore network state internally. This choice can greatly impact performances. Possible values are:

  • STATE: will only save and restore state data. Optimizes performances, but will not behave correctly if some actions modify the structure of the network.
  • DEEP: will save and restore all network data. Decreases performances, but allows to use any type of action.

Set the ignore-pre-contingency-violations to true to ignore the pre-contingency violations and continue the simulation even if there are still violations after the pre-contingency simulation.

The load-flow-name property is an optional property that defines the implementation name to use for running the load flow. If this property is not set, the default load flow implementation is used. See Loadflow Configuration to configure the default load flow.

Note: In previous PowSyBl releases (before 3.0.0), this was configured by the load-flow-factory property with the full classname of the implementation.

Use the max-iterations parameter to limit the number of iteration needed to solve the violations.


YAML configuration:

    copy-strategy: STATE
    debug: false
    ignore-pre-contingency-violations: false
    load-flow-name: Mock
    max-iterations: 10

XML configuration:
