iTools loadflow

The loadflow command loads a grid file and run a power flow simulation. At the end, the results and the modified network can be exported to files.


$> itools loadflow --help
usage: itools [OPTIONS] loadflow --case-file <FILE> [-E <property=value>]
              [--export-parameters <EXPORT_PARAMETERS>] [--help] [-I <property=value>]
              [--import-parameters <IMPORT_PARAMETERS>] [--output-case-file <FILE>]
              [--output-case-format <CASEFORMAT>] [--output-file <FILE>]
              [--output-format <FORMAT>] [--parameters-file <FILE>]

Available options are:
    --config-name <CONFIG_NAME>   Override configuration file name

Available arguments are:
    --case-file <FILE>                            the case path
-E <property=value>                               use value for given exporter
     --export-parameters <EXPORT_PARAMETERS>      the exporter configuration file
     --help                                       display the help and quit
-I <property=value>                               use value for given importer
     --import-parameters <IMPORT_PARAMETERS>      the importer configuation file
     --output-case-file <FILE>                    modified network base name
     --output-case-format <CASEFORMAT>            modified network output format
                                                  [CGMES, AMPL, XIIDM]
     --output-file <FILE>                         loadflow results output path
     --output-format <FORMAT>                     loadflow results output format
                                                  [CSV, JSON]
     --parameters-file <FILE>                     loadflow parameters as JSON file

Required options

--case-file: This option defines the path of the case file on which the power flow simulation is run. The supported formats depend on the execution class path.

Optional options

This option defines the path of the exporter’s configuration file. It’s possible to overload one or many parameters using the -E property=value syntax. The list of supported properties depends on the output format.

This option defines the path of the importer’s configuration file. It’s possible to overload one or many parameters using the -I property=value syntax. The list of supported properties depends on the input format.

This option defines the path where to export the modified network.

This option defines the format of the output case file. The list of supported formats are listed between brackets in the command help. This option is required if --output-case-file is used.

This option defines the path where to export the results of the power flow.

This option defines the format of the output file. The supported format are CSV and JSON. This option is required if the --output-file is used.

This option defines the path of the parameters file of the simulation. If this option is not used, the simulation is run with the default parameters.


The available power flow simulators implementations are described here.


The available parameters are described here.


The expected results are described in the power flow documentation


The following example shows how to run a power flow simulation, using the default configuration:

$> itools loadflow --case-file case.xiidm
Loading network 'case.xiidm'
loadflow results:
| Ok     | Metrics                                                                                 |
| true   | {nbIter=4, dureeCalcul=0.001569, cause=0, contraintes=0, statut=OK, csprMarcheForcee=0} |
Components results:
| Component number | Status    | Iteration count | Slack bus ID | Slack bus mismatch |
| 0                | CONVERGED | 8               | BUS_0        | -0,00954794        |

The following example shows how to run a power flow simulation, using a parameters file:

$> itools loadflow --case-file case.xiidm --parameters-file loadflowparameters.json
loadflow results:
| Ok     | Metrics                                                                                 |
| true   | {nbIter=4, dureeCalcul=0.001569, cause=0, contraintes=0, statut=OK, csprMarcheForcee=0} |
Components results:
| Component number | Status    | Iteration count | Slack bus ID | Slack bus mismatch |
| 0                | CONVERGED | 8               | BUS_0        | -0,00954794        |

See also